Refuse all mediocrity, open the shackles of passion, Mercedes Benz CLS four door coupe, let drivers do their best to release, ignite passion.如今,奔驰这个汽车品牌几乎无人不知,以大型豪华轿车S级为代表,奔驰几乎成了豪华车的代名词。而今天这辆奔驰,是四门掀背式轿跑鼻祖,外形十分优雅的CLS。
Nowadays, Mercedes Benz is almost unknown to everyone. Represented by the large luxury car S-class, Benz has almost become the synonym of luxury cars. Today's Mercedes Benz is the originator of four door hatchback sedan. It is a very elegant CLS.减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪,原厂安装位无损安装,原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态.
Reduce the weight of the whole vehicle, enhance the power and enhance the sound wave. The original factory installation position is not damaged. The valve switch is controlled by the original factory agreement, which triggers the original factory exhaust button and the valve is fully open