宝马8系 升级Velocita(威洛斯蒂)-VE智能5G排气系统

2024-03-19 16:56
动感与格调相融,精妙美学散发非凡韵味。全新BMW 8系四门轿跑车以全新设计语言展现豪华跑车的恣意动力与敏捷性能。优雅外观不掩跑车本能,强劲发动机性能触发速度激情,兑现运动承诺。动静之间,肾上腺素随转速飙升,酣畅淋漓的魅力势不可挡。以宽阔胸怀,打造从容的独处空间。

Dynamic and style blend, exquisite aesthetics, send out extraordinary charm. The new BMW 8 series four door coupe shows the unrestrained power and agility of luxury sports cars with a new design language. Elegant appearance does not hide the instinct of sports car, strong engine performance triggers speed passion, and fulfills sports promise. Between movement and stillness, adrenaline soars with the speed, and its charm is irresistible. With a broad mind, to create a calm solitude space.全新调校的BMW直列六缸涡轮增压发动机带来高效非凡的澎湃动力。无论是冲刺前行或驰骋曲折道路,BMW 840i以3.0升排量与可达250千瓦(340马力)赋予驾驶乐趣。840i xDrive M运动套装车型百公里加速仅需4.9秒。再加上一套velocita排气那就完美了

The new BMW in-line six cylinder turbocharged engine brings high efficiency and extraordinary power. Whether it's a sprint or a zigzag ride, the BMW 840i gives driving pleasure with a 3.0-liter displacement and up to 250 kW (340 HP). The 840i xDrive m sports package only takes 4.9 seconds to accelerate in 100 km. Plus a velocita exhaust, that's perfect升级一套高性能的排气系统在减轻重量的同时还增加了排气声浪,原车Sport(运动模式)控制阀门开关,阀门开启声浪炸街,阀门关闭安静行走”做到动静皆宜。Upgrading a set of high-performance exhaust system can reduce the weight and increase the exhaust noise. The original car sport (Sport mode) controls the valve on and off, the sound wave of valve opening explodes the street, the valve is closed, and walking quietly "is suitable for both dynamic and static.Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。Velocita adopts stainless steel (SS304), adhering to the characteristics of fine quality, no matter from solder joint to cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly.

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