梅赛德斯-AMG-奔驰 2020款 GLE 53
梅赛德斯-AMG GLE 53搭载带涡轮增压功能和电动辅助压缩机的电气化3.0升发动机。这款直列六缸发动机的最大输出功率为320千瓦,最大扭矩为520牛·米。它的EQ Boost启动发电机可短时提供额外的16千瓦输出功率和250牛·米扭矩,并为48伏智能电机系统供电,强劲高效。The Mercedes AMG gle 53 is equipped with an electrified 3.0-litre engine with turbocharging and an electric auxiliary compressor. The in-line six cylinder engine has a maximum power output of 320kw and a maximum torque of 520nm. Its EQ boost starter generator can provide an additio
nal 16 kW output power and 250 nm torque for a short time, and power the 48 volt smart motor system, which is powerful and efficient.
Velocita-Exhaust(威洛斯蒂)高性能排气系统Velocita exhaust high performance exhaust system
VE:Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪,原厂安装位无损安装,原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态.Ve: velocita adopts stainless steel (SS304) and adheres to the characteristics of fine and high quality. From solder joint to cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly.Reduce the weight of the whole vehicle, enhance the power and enhance the sound wave. The original factory installation position is not damaged. The valve switch is co
ntrolled by the original factory agreement, which triggers the original factory exhaust button and the valve is fully open
原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态.The original factory protocol controls the valve switch and triggers the original factory exhaust button, and the valve is fully open
打开排气按键,可以开着它去郊外进行激烈的野外驾驶;关掉之后市区行驶也不会扰民。If you turn on the exhaust button, you can drive it to the countryside for intense field driving; after turning off, driving in the city will not disturb the residents.