奔驰E300 升级Velocita-VE智能5G排气系统

2024-03-21 10:16
传承经典,优雅再现。智慧风范,浑然天成。长轴距E级运动轿车采用轿车外观组件,对梅赛德斯-奔驰一贯的高贵奢华进行现代诠释。新款奔驰E300排气系统采用可见式双排气尾管饰件,呈现时尚动感外观。Inherit the classics and reappear gracefully. Wisdom is natural. The long wheelbase E-class sports car adopts the appearance components of the car, which is a modern interpretation of Mercedes Benz's consistent noble luxury. The new Mercedes Benz E300 exhaust system adopts visible double tailpipe trim, presenting a fashionable and dynamic appearance.原厂排气毕竟要妥协于成本。那么,第一步就是,升级排气。一套好的排气系统不仅能引擎轰鸣声悦耳动听,而且能够提升发动机的马力输出,因此改装一套排气是一举两得的。After all, the original factory exhaust has to compromise with the cost. So, the first step is to upgrade the exhaust. A good exhaust system can not only make the engine roar pleasant, but also improve the engine's horsepower output. Therefore, refitting a set of exhaust system can kill two birds with one stone.VE:Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪,原厂安装位无损安装,原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态Ve: velocita adopts stainless steel (SS304) and adheres to the characteristics of fine and high quality. From solder joint to cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly. Reduce the weight of the whole vehicle, enhance the power, enhance the sound wave, the original factory installation position is not damaged, the original factory agreement control valve switch, touch the original factory exhaust button valve fully open state
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