奔驰C43 3.0升V6双涡轮增压发动机,专为性能而生,释放每一滴燃油的潜能,经过调校的发动机控制系统与响应灵敏的涡轮增压器完美结合,令每一次加速都乐趣十足。点火,轻踩油门,低吼的引擎声直击灵魂,和喷薄而出的声浪交织成悦耳的性能篇章。Mercedes Benz C43 3.0-liter V6 twin turbocharged engine is designed for performance, which can release the potential of every drop of fuel. The adjusted engine control system and the responsive turbocharger perfectly combine to make every acceleration enjoyable. Ignition, gently step on the gas pedal, roaring engine sound directly hit the soul, and the gushing sound waves interweave into a pleasant performance chapter.