宝马8系 升级Velocita-VE智能5G排气系统

2024-03-21 18:16
提起宝马,最容易想到的还是3系,近些年5系、X5的热度也不错。不过宝马也有极其冷门的车系,譬如今天要说的8系。宝马8系对于很多人来说或许都没听说,以为7系就到头了,实际上8系很早就有,目前国内存在的宝马8系都是1995年款的850Ci,全国也没多少台。在此之后8系就彻底消失在大众的视野中,直到去年才重出江湖,推出了新款8系。新款宝马8系实车也终于现身国内When it comes to BMW, the most easy to think of is the 3 series. In recent years, the heat of the 5 series and X5 is also good. But BMW also has a very unpopular car series, such as the 8 series we're going to talk about today. For many people, the BMW 8 series may not have been heard. They think that the 7 series is the end. In fact, the 8 series has been around for a long time. At present, the existing BMW 8 series in China are 850ci of 1995 model, and there are not many in China. After that, the 8 series disappeared completely in the public's vision. It was not until last year that the new 8 series was launched. The new BMW 8 series real car finally appeared in China

全新调校的BMW直列六缸涡轮增压发动机带来高效非凡的澎湃动力。无论是冲刺前行或驰骋曲折道路,BMW 840i以3.0升排量与可达250千瓦(340马力)赋予驾驶乐趣。840i xDrive M运动套装车型百公里加速仅需4.9秒。再加上一套velocita排气那就完美了The new BMW in-line six cylinder turbocharged engine brings high efficiency and extraordinary power. Whether it's a sprint or a zigzag ride, the BMW 840i gives driving pleasure with a 3.0-liter displacement and up to 250 kW (340 HP). The 840i xDrive m sports package only takes 4.9 seconds to accelerate in 100 km. Plus a velocita exhaust, that's perfect2020年初,VE团队着手为新款宝马8系(840i)研发排气,专注产品的制造工艺、材质、声浪、外观动力等细节品质,并引进意大利顶尖技术与设计。Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪,原厂安装位无损安装,原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态At the beginning of 2020, the ve team started to develop exhaust gas for the new BMW 8 series (840i), focusing on the manufacturing process, material, sound wave, appearance power and other details of the product quality, and introducing the top Italian technology and design. Velocita is made of stainless steel (SS304) and adheres to the characteristics of fine quality. No matter from welding or cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly. Reduce the weight of the whole vehicle, enhance the power and enhance the sound wave. The original factory installation position is installed without damage. The original factory protocol controls the valve switch and touches the original factory exhaust button valve in full open state

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