作为世界上最受欢迎的豪华运动型SUV,BMW X5在动力,操控,工艺,驾驶乐趣和舒适性方面的表现都处于标杆级地位,新款X5刚刚发布不久,AC Schnitzer就拿出了相应的半官方改装作品,彻底将E70 X5演变为一部极端纯粹的以高强公路驾驶性能为核心的超级运动型SUV,尽管X5的车身尺寸不小,但AC Schnitzer则在其敏捷的动态表现上进一步通过平衡配重和降低簧下质量来提高灵活性,新样式的前后保险杠里充斥着更大的进气口和气动组件,底盘高度被降低,两组轻薄的不锈钢排气系统从听觉效果上将其与普通X5明显分开..标准的235马力3.0升L6柴油引擎在AC Schnitzer的熏陶下已经重新认识了自己所蕴藏的实力,现在的功率和扭力分别为265马力和550N.m,20到22英寸可选择的竞赛级手工锻造轮毂虽然昂贵,但其在平衡惯量方面的巨大提升在一般驾驶中也可以有所察觉.
German BMW tuning specialist, AC Schnitzer, from Aachen has a new widebody kit for the BMW X5. Called the Falcon, it gets its name from the front and rear wheel arch flairs which are lovingly referred to as broad ?wings?.
The kit includes front spoiler, rear skirt and front/rear fender flairs. AC Schnitzer further emphasizes the `bird of pray` theme with two triangular metal-rimmed air intakes in the bonnet. Add AC Schnitzer`s lowering spring kit, sport exhaust system plus 22-inch wheels for the completed look.
For the 3.0 litre diesel engine, ACS offers an electronically upgraded which bumps power from the standard 286hp (210 kW) to 310hp (228kW).