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  • A1)You could buy aftermarket product put into your gas tank for 1 of your choice. 2nd choice your could but another product call x66 that you can unplug the brake drum vaccum hose. Warm up your engine, and then splay in the vaccum hose. The engine feel like dying. use up about half bottle. Wait about 15-20 min and start up the engine. Hit the gas and let go again and again till the blue gas gone.A2) Dont take out, unless u know what you are doing.A3) I am now sure you could buy it from HK. But I believe you could buy it.A4) It is not very hard. But hard enough to do it yourself. So I do not recommend do it your own. There should be another fuel filter you could change it your own. And it is not hard. fuel line goes to your engine there is a filter between there. But careful! The flow direction.
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  • 首要注意安全,因汽油是易燃物.楼上网友己提供既简单又容易的方法我在此提供另两种我们车房内行常用清洗方法给你,但此两种方法需有专用设备才可,在此仅供参考之用.一种名为超声波清洗,另一种名为药剂流速清洗.第一种清洗步骤如下:1)拆离电池头(--)2)拔离喷咀之电插头3)将汽油管道压力释放(将汽油喉罗丝松半转,好让汽油慢慢流出,在汽油流出之下方放置毛巾让它吸收全部流出之汽油)4)拆离喷咀上方之金属汽油管道5)拔出四个喷咀然后用超声波仪器将其清洗6)将喷咀装在雾化检测仪上,如雾化正常才装回车上另一种步骤如下:1)依照上文步骤3之工序2)安装药液流速器于汽油管道上,然后令发动怠速运行直至药液用光3)还完汽油管道内置式汽油格之更换方法:拆离尾座位将会见到一铁冚,将其拆离,将会看到电油泵,先将油喉拆离才可将电油泵从油缸拆出,建议连电油泵和格一起更换(资料来源 DNA motors )
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