什么是leakage test?如何测试?测试的目的是什么

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  • Leakage test就是漏出/渗出测试。一般是讲需要有防渗功能的东西需要测试。广告里也随便用它来夸自己的尿片,女士用品的好处之类的。
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  • Lying on the chair on the balcony, holding a book, yu qiuyu, a words also didn't see, on the abdomen, only for this kind of elegant, this kind of taste. I don't like reading, just like holding a book. Warm sunshine, no me, I let myself to this state, the sun can be through the body, free access. Sleep quietly as if dead. I think I'm already dead, this is just a mirage, the phantom better ah, much less stumbles, body can no longer be held of the soul, I am really comfortable.
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