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  • HVA是一般民用版汽车使用的液压阀系统在赛车中,这是一种赛车用配件HVA系统能带来两个好处,第一是可减低发动机表现的偏差,可达百分之三;第二是不再需要向活瓣作出调节,直接节省成本。The invention relates to a hydraulic valve-play compensation element. 该发明涉及液压阀系统。 The aim is to prevent any change in the length from taking place when the engine is at a standstill.这样做的目的是防止发动机处于停滞时长度发生改变。 To this end, the leakage oil is guided into the space between the high pressure valve 4 and the valve 5, where it then reinforces the sealing effect of said valve 为此,泄漏的汽油将导入之间的空间高压阀阀4和阀5 ,然后强化它的密封效果说。 When the engine is in operation, the valve 4 is kept open irrespective of the direction of throughflow by means for producing a defined force, for example a pressure-loaded piston or by electromagnetic means.当发动机在运行时,阀门4 ,不论是保持开放的方向穿越的方式确定的生产力量,例如压力负载活塞或电磁手段
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