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  • 摘要:论文主要是写了轧机的发展趋势、轧机选择的原则、轧机机架的布置、轧机的工作原理、轧机日常的维护以及常见的故障、故障的原因及处理办法。 Abstract: the paper mainly wrote the development trend of rolling mill, the choosing principle of, rolling mill frame layout, the working principle, rolling mills and routine maintenance of common failures, the cause of failure and treatment measures. 轧机在轧钢厂的重要性不亚于人得心脏,所以日常的维护狠重要。 The importance of rolling mill in as people had heart, so routine maintenance of malicious important. 究竟怎么维护,维护哪里就需要我们通过生产流程图更好的理解轧机的工作流程。 Where exactly how maintenance, maintenance, we need to understand better by production flow chart of mill workflow. 理解后通过日常的维护就会学会分析故障的原因,从而找寻到故障的处理办法。 After understanding through daily maintenance will learn to analyze the cause of the problem and thus to find fault treatment measures. 关键词:热轧机 轧机日常维护 轧机故障 Keywords: rolling mill used daily maintenance fault
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