买个小箱子就别凑合了,买就买个一直会留在手里的箱子,自己在家练琴用个小功率就行了,我自己买了一个fener 一款复古样式的小管箱Fender Champion 600 5W,音色及其甜美,配上我新买的fender stratocaster, 那个感觉---- Fender Champion 600 音箱是5瓦的功率 ,喇叭是6寸的,前后级各带1个电子管,分别是12AX7 和6V6,它是全管的mini音箱,双输入,就一个音量钮,练琴很不错,样子是复古的50年代造型,玩布鲁斯很好,国外报价200美金。国外很多杂志都有推荐,象英国的Guitarst杂志认为:每个吉他手都应该应该拥有一台! 不过在国内需要你想办法订购 A fun and affordable tribute to an historic Fender model!The Fender Champ Amp is a 5W tube guitar amplifier with a 6-inch speaker and 1950 “two tone“ cosmetics. This simple tribute to the cute and collectable 1949-53 era Fender guitar amplifier makes small-room sessions lots of fun! Originally intended as a student model, the Champ Amp has also been employed by many professionals for its low output, easy-to-record capabilities. Fender has added a higher-gain preamp circuit to take the overdriven tone beyond that of the original, and a choice of High- or Low-gain inputs. An internal speaker output jack allows the use of a larger speaker cabinet. The original Champion 600 had a low-ga