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  • 完全理解你的问题,齿条主动,驱动被动的齿轮;或者反过来,齿轮主动,驱动被动的齿条;在一般情况下都是可以的,当模数---齿轮的齿的大小表示方式太小,和齿轮齿数太少,齿轮和齿条的加工精度差,有磨损严重,相互的间隙不正常,没有正常的润滑条件,吻合间隙中有多余物,就不能可逆传动,也就是将要自锁。本人没有文化是大家都知道的,所以本人在小学的时候,就阅读过苏联的教科书,介绍齿轮的加工方法,吻合条件,到现在还不懂什么变位的原理;偏微分方程的考试俺是过关了,连中学的角和角差都不懂。以下都验证过。The next generation keyboard, future keyboard!It challenged and subverted the global computer keyboard, keyboard music instruments 25 years ago, The pioneer of the Chinese people (firstly) originally entered this area. who sent it into the modern house of the CEO of Microsoft?To challenge AT&T of the United States by improving communication deficienciesImproving communication deficiencies, Chinese people are to challenge AT&T of the United States.
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  • 完全理解你的问题,齿条主动,驱动被动的齿轮;或者反过来,齿轮主动,驱动被动的齿条;在一般情况下都是可以的,当模数---齿轮的齿的大小表示方式太小,和齿轮齿数太少,齿轮和齿条的加工精度差,有磨损严重,相互的间隙不正常,没有正常的润滑条件,吻合间隙中有多余物,就不能可逆传动,也就是将要自锁。本人没有文化是大家都知道的,所以本人在小学的时候,就阅读过苏联的教科书,介绍齿轮的加工方法,吻合条件,到现在还不懂什么变位的原理;偏微分方程的考试我是过关了,以下都验证过。The next generation keyboard, future keyboard!It challenged and subverted the global computer keyboard, keyboard music instruments 25 years ago, The pioneer of the Chinese people (firstly) originally entered this area. who sent it into the modern house of the CEO of Microsoft?To challenge AT&T of the United States by improving communication deficienciesImproving communication deficiencies, Chinese people are to challenge AT&T of the United States.
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  • 理论上是可以实现双向传动的,我有做过这个实验,但均以失败告终,原因是必须要达到它需要的物理条件,把摩擦力解决到最小,纯手工是很难完成的
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  • 齿轮齿厚7.85,把握不大;如果使用频繁,估计不行。
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  • 完全理解你的问题,齿条主动,驱动被动的齿轮;或者反过来,齿轮主动,驱动被动的齿条;在一般情况下都是可以的,当模数---齿轮的齿的大小表示方式太小,和齿轮齿数太少,齿轮和齿条的加工精度差,有磨损严重,相互的间隙不正常,没有正常的润滑条件,吻合间隙中有多余物,就不能可逆传动,也就是将要自锁。本人没有文化是大家都知道的,所以本人在小学的时候,就阅读过苏联的教科书,介绍齿轮的加工方法,吻合条件,到现在还不懂什么变位的原理;偏微分方程的考试俺是过关了,连中学的角和角差都不懂。以下都验证过。The next generation keyboard, future keyboard!It challenged and subverted the global computer keyboard, keyboard music instruments 25 years ago, The pioneer of the Chinese people (firstly) originally entered this area. who sent it into the modern house of the CEO of Microsoft?To challenge AT&T of the United States by improving communication deficienciesImproving communication deficiencies, Chinese people are to challenge AT&T of the United States.
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