2.<副>adv. 在外,出声地,[2]显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地。
3.<名>n. 外面,外出,外观。
4.<及物动>vt. 赶出,击倒,使退场。
5.<不及物动>vi. 外出,暴露。
(baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball.
1. to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality.
同义词:come out of the closet, come out.
2. reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle.
3. be made known; be disclosed or revealed.
同义词:come out.
1. not allowed to continue to bat or run.
2. being out or having grown cold.
3. not worth considering as a possibility.
4. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election.
5. excluded from use or mention.
同义词:forbidden, prohibited, proscribed, taboo, tabu, verboten.
6. directed outward or serving to direct something outward.
7. no longer fashionable.
8. outside or external.
9. outer or outlying.
10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow.
同义词:knocked out, kayoed, KO'd, stunned.
1. away from home.
2. from one's possession.
all out. 竭尽全力,鼓足干劲 (=all in)精疲力竭。
at outs. (与某人)不和,(与某人) 意见不一致。
at outs with sb. (与某人)不和,(与某人) 意见不一致。
on the outs. (与某人)不和,(与某人) 意见不一致。
on the outs with sb. (与某人)不和,(与某人) 意见不一致。
be out. 错误;不在家。
be out and about .(病后)能起床走动。
be out at.(the knees) (裤子)(在膝部)破了。
be down and out. 落魄;败落。
be out for. 力图要;一心为。
be out to do sth. 企图做某事。
cross out .注销,删去。
from out. (of) .从......中来。
from out to out .从一端到另一端;全部的外形长度。
from this out .[美、口]从此以后,,今后。
make a poor out. 不成功,搞得不很好。
on the outs. [美]闹翻了脸,感情不好。
out and away 在远方,遥远;无可比拟地。
out and home. 往返,来往。
out and in. 进进出出;内外;[废]里里外外;充分地。
out from under. 脱离危难。
out here. (老远)到这里。
out of.在......外;从里面;由于;缺乏,放弃;丧失;在......范围外;用......制成;来自;与......不相宜;不相称;离开,脱离。
out of it. 未被邀请;在局外;被冷落;不加入;孤独;困窘;脱节;弄错,不熟悉情况;胡乱猜测;未被牵连在内。
out of keeping. (和周围)不调和。
out there. 向那边; [口]到战场。
out with. [口]把......赶出去;说[拿]出(Out with him! [古]赶他出去!叫他滚蛋! Out with it! 把它拿走!说出来吧!讲讲看!)。