失眠的临床表现有多种,一是难入睡;二是夜间易醒而再入睡难;三是神经衰弱.难入睡者宜服用短效安眠药,如10%水合氯醛液、速可眠、安眠酮、眠尔通.夜间易醒者宜服中、长效安眠药,如苯巴比妥、安定片、三溴片.神经衰弱者宜服健脑合剂,也可服安定片、安宁片.中药有:安神补心丸、养血安神片.静镇安眠药一般可产生药物依耐性,用量会越来越大才起作用,所以应多种安眠药交替使用,一种药物用一段时间后,应停药间断使用.A variety of clinical manifestations of insomnia, one difficult to fall asleep; second is easy to wake up and then fall asleep at night is difficult; and third nerves are shot. Difficult to fall asleep are advised to take short-acting sleeping pills, such as 10% chloral hydrate solution, Seconal, sleep ketones, Miltown. fitfully at night are advised to wear, the long-acting sleeping pills such as phenobarbital, diazepam, three bromine tablets. neurasthenia are advised to wear brain mixture can also be served diazepam, meprobamate. medicine are: Anshenbuxin pills, nourishing and sedative tablets. quiet town of sleeping pills can produce drugs in accordance with the general tolerance, the dosage will be more and more work, it should be used in turn to a variety of sleeping pills, a drug over a period of time, it should be stopped intermittent use of drugs.