李 梢,清华大学教授、博士生导师。1973年10月出生于安徽徽州。
清华大学 教授 (2009.12至今)
清华大学 博士生导师 (2008.9至今)
清华信息科学与技术国家实验室(筹)中医药交叉研究中心主任(2017.9 至今)
清华信息科技国家实验室(筹)生物信息学研究部 副主任 (2006.2至今)
清华大学自动化系、生物信息学教育部重点实验室副研究员 (2004.12-2009.11)
清华大学自动化系、生物信息学教育部重点实验室讲师 (2003.8-2004.12)
清华大学自动化系、生物信息学教育部重点实验室博士后 (2001.9-2003.8)
英国皇家化学会“Top 1%高被引中国作者”(2016)
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(2010-2013,负责人):疾病生物分子网络的系统建模与调控机理研究
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2009-2011,负责人):基于血管新生生物网络的方剂多靶点协同作用研究
3. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划面上项目(2007-2009,负责人):寒热辨证的多层次信息挖掘及相关生物分子网络
4. 863计划探索导向项目(2006-2008,负责人):疾病相关生物网络构建分析的关键方法与技术
5. 国家科技支撑计划课题(2006-2009,负责人):中医证候计算系统生物学方法的示范研究
6. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(2004-2006,负责人):细胞因子网络仿真与中药免疫调节模式研究
7. 全国优秀博士论文作者专项资金 (2004-2009,负责人):中药分子组合调节血管增生的理化与生物信息研究
8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2003-2005,负责人):基于神经内分泌免疫网络仿真的寒热证候整体规律研究
2012年,清华大学李梢教授由于在中医药生物信息学、中药网络药理学上的开拓性工作和成果,成为2012年度中医药学科唯一的国家杰出青年基金获得者,也是 “中医药学研究新技术和新方法”领域首位国家杰青。
2017年,李梢课题组在Cancer Research建立了消化道炎癌转化的分子-细胞-系统多尺度计算模型,为揭示炎癌转化规律、发展防控措施提供新途径。11月,李梢课题组在胃炎寒热证分子网络、六味地黄网络调节作用、中药网络靶标模型方面的三项成果,得到美国NIH/NCI肿瘤补充与替代医学研究战略白皮书的引证和好评[21]。
2018年12月,李梢课题组在扶正中药生物网络机制研究上取得新进展[23],并于2019年4月在国际合成生物学权威刊物ACS Synthetic Biology封面报道炎癌转化网络协同效应,阐释中药协同干预机制[24]。2020年1月,该成果入选2019年中华中医药学会十大学术热点。
2019年5月,李梢课题组在Cell子刊Cell Reports发表论文,首次成功捕捉胃癌发生的单细胞微弱信号及其网络关联,突破性地发现了胃癌极早期细胞标志物,在胃炎癌转化单细胞机制和极早期诊断方面取得重大进展,被国际权威学术评估机构F1000推荐为最高等级的“Exceptional(杰出)”论文[25]。2020年1月,该成果入选2019年度“单细胞测序领域最受关注科研进展”。2020年2月,该成果入选2019年度“中国生物信息学十大应用”。
2021年9月,李梢主编网络药理学英文专著《Network Pharmacology》由Springer出版社和清华大学出版社联合出版。2022年5月和2023年2月,网络药理学中文专著及教材相继出版[28]。
2022年7月和9月,李梢教授相继入选英国皇家化学学会会士(Fellow of the Royal Societyof Chemistry, FRSC)[2]和英国皇家生物学会会士(Fellow of the Royal Societyof Biology, FRSB)[3] 。
2023年1月,李梢教授团队从临床队列中西医观察分析中发现的冠状病毒感染导致关节痛的证据,被纳入世界卫生组织最新发布的“COVID-19临床管理:动态指南(Clinical management of COVID-19: living guideline)[7] 。
Zhang P, Yang M, Zhang Y, Xiao S, Lai X, Tan A, Du S, Li S*. Dissecting the single-cell transcriptome network underlying gastric premalignant lesions and early gastric cancer. Cell Reports 2019; 27,1934-1947
Guo Y, Bao C, Ma D, Cao Y, Li Y, Xie Z*, Li S*. Network-based combinatorial CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify synergistic modules in human cells. ACS Synthetic Biology 2019; 8:482−490 (封面论文)
Cui J, Cui H, Yang M, Du S, Li J, Li Y, Liu L, Zhang X*, Li S*. Tongue coating microbiome as a potential biomarker for gastritis including precancerous cascade. Protein & Cell (Accepted)
Tan A, Huang H, Zhang P, Li S*. Network-based cancer precision medicine: a new emerging paradigm. Cancer Letters 2019; 458;39-45
Liao S, Han L, Zheng X, Wang X, Zhang P, Wu J, Liu R, Fu Y, Sun J, Kang X, Wang S, Liu K, Fan TP*, Li S*, Zheng X*. Tanshinol borneol ester (DBZ), a novel synthetic small molecule angiogenesis stimulator inspired by botanical formulations for angina pectoris. British Journal of Pharmacology (Accepted)
Zheng J, Wu M, Wang H, Li SS, Wang X, Li Y, Wang D, Li S*. Network pharmacology to unveil the biological basis of health strengthening herb medicine in cancer treatment. Cancers 2018; 10(11):461:1-23
Zhang T, Xue R, Wang X, Zhao S, An L, Li Y, Zhang Y*, Li S*. Network-based drug repositioning: a novel strategy for discovering potential antidepressants and their mode of action. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2018; 28:1137-1150
Zuo J, Wang X, Liu Y, Ye J, Liu Q, Li Y*, Li S*. Integrating network pharmacology and metabolomics study on anti-rheumatic mechanisms and antagonistic effects against methotrexate-induced toxicity of Qing-Luo-Yin. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9:1472; 17pages
Zhang B, Wang X, Li Y, Wu M, Wang S, Li S*. Matrine is identified as a novel macropinocytosis inducer by a network target approach. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9:10; 11pages
Qiao H, Wang F, Xu R, Sun J, Zhu R, Mao D, Ren X, Wang X, Jia Y, Peng P, Shen D, Liu L, Chang Z, Wang G, Li S, Ji J, Liu Q, Ni J*. An efficient and multiple target transgenic RNAi technique with low toxicity in Drosophila. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1):4160
Guo Y, Nie Q, MacLean A, Li Y, Lei J*, Li S*. Multiscale modeling of inflammation-induced tumorigenesis reveals competing oncogenic and onco-protective roles for inflammation. Cancer Research 2017;77(22):6429-6441
Lin X, Hu L, Gu J, Wang R, Li L, Tang J, Zhang B, Yan X, Zhu Y, Hu C, Zhou W, Li S, Liu J, Gonzalez F, Wu M, Wang H*, Chen L*. Choline Kinase Alpha mediates interactions between the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and mTORC2 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells to promote drug resistance and xenograft tumor progression. Gastroenterology 2017;152:1187–1202
Li S*. Exploring traditional Chinese medicine by a novel therapeutic concept of network target. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 2016;22(9):647-652 (Feature Article)
Qi Q, Li R, Li H, Cao Y, Bai M, Fan X, Wang S, Zhang B*, Li S*. Identification of the anti-tumor activity and mechanisms of nuciferine through a network pharmacology approach. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2016;37:963-972
Li S*. Mapping ancient remedies: applying a network approach to traditional Chinese medicine. Science 2015;350(6262 Suppl):S72-S74 (传统医学增刊)
Wu M, Lu P, Shi L*, Li S*. Traditional Chinese patent medicines for cancer treatment in China: a nationwide medical insurance data analysis. Oncotarget 2015;6(35):38283-38295
Zu S, Chen T, Li S*. Global optimization-based inference of chemogenomic features from drug-target interactions. Bioinformatics 2015;31(15):2523-2529
Zhang B, Lu C, Bai M, He X, Tan Y, Bian Y, Xiao C, Zhang G, Lu A*, Li S*. Tetramethylpyrazine identified by a network pharmacology approach ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015;175:638-647
Li Y, Li R, Ouyang Z, Li S*. Herb network analysis for a famous TCM doctor’s prescriptions on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015: 451319
Su B, Luo T, Zhu J, Fu J, Zhao X, Chen L, Zhang H, Ren Y, Yu L, Yang X, Wu M, Feng G, Li S, Chen Y*, Wang H*. Interleukin-1β/IRAK-1 inflammatory signaling contributes to persistent Gankyrin activation during hepatocarcinogenesis. Hepatology 2015;61(2):585–597
Liang X, Li H, Li S*. A novel network pharmacology approach to analyse traditional herbal formulae: the Liu-wei-di-huang Pill as a case study. Molecular BioSystems 2014,10(5):1014-1022 (封面论文)
Wang L, Wang Y, Hu Q, Li S*. Systematic analysis of new drug indications by drug-gene-disease coherent subnetworks. CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 2014;3:e146, 9 pages
Liang X, Li H, Tian G, Li S*. Dynamic microbe and molecule networks in a mouse model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Scientific Reports 2014;4,4985
Li S*, Fan T, Jia W, Lu A, Zhang W. Network pharmacology in traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014:138460 (Editorial)
Li H, Zhao L, Zhang B, Jiang Y, Wang X, Guo Y, Liu H, Li S*, Tong X*. A network pharmacology approach to determine active compounds and action mechanisms of Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian decoction for treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014:495840
Li S*, Zhang B. Traditional Chinese medicine network pharmacology: theory, methodology and application [中药网络药理学:理论、方法与应用]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2013;11(2):110-120
Li R, Ma T, Gu J, Liang X, Li S*. Imbalanced network biomarkers for traditional Chinese medicine Syndrome ingastritis patients. Scientific Reports 2013;3:1543
Zhang B, Wang X, Li S*. An integrative platform of TCM network pharmacology and its application on an herbal formula, Qing-Luo-Yin. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013:456747
Zhang B, Liu L, Zhao S, Wang X, Liu L, Li S*. Vitexicarpin acts as a novel angiogenesis inhibitor and its target network. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013:278405
Wang T, Gu J, Yuan J, Tao R, Li Y, Li S*. Inferring pathway crosstalk networks using gene set co-expression signatures. Molecular BioSystems 2013;9(7):1822-1828
Jiang B, Liang X, Chen Y, Ma T,Liu L, Li J, Jiang R, Chen T, Zhang X*, Li S*. Integrating next-generation sequencing and traditional tongue diagnosis to determine tongue coating microbiome. Scientific Reports 2012;2:936
Zhao S, Li S*. A co-module approachfor elucidating drug-disease associations and revealing their molecular basis. Bioinformatics 2012;28(7):955-961
Chen Y, Gu J, Li D, Li S*. Time-course network analysis reveals TNF-alpha can promote G1/S transition of cell cycle in vascular endothelialcells. Bioinformatics 2012;28(1):1-4
Gu J*, Li S*. Towards integrative annotating the cell-type specific gene functional and signaling map in vascular endothelial cells. Molecular BioSystems 2012;8:2041-2049
Kanawong R, Ajayi T, Ma T, XuD, Li S*, Duan Y*. Automated tongue feature extraction for ZHENG classificationin traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012;912852:1-14
Li S*, Zhang B, Zhang NB. Network target for screening synergistic drug combinations with application to traditional Chinese medicine. BMC Systems Biology 2011;5(S1):S10 (F1000推荐论文)
Yao X, Hao H, Li Y, LiS*. Modularity-based credible prediction of disease genes and detection of disease subtypes on the phenotype-gene heterogeneous network. BMC SystemsBiology 2011;5:79
李梢. 网络靶标:中药方剂网络药理学研究的一个切入点.中国中药杂志 2011;36:2017-2020
Zhao S, Li S*. Network-based relating pharmacological and genomic spaces for drug target identification. PLoSONE 2010;5(7):e11764 (Nature China 亮点论文)
Li S*, Zhang B, Jiang D, Wei YY, Zhang NB. Herb network construction and co-module analysis for uncovering the combination rule of traditional Chinese herbal formulae. BMC Bioinformatics 2010;11(S11):S6
Yan H, Zhang B, Li S*, Zhao Q*. A formal model for analyzing drug combination effects and its application in TNF-alpha-induced NFkappaB pathway. BMC Systems Biology 2010;4:50
Ma T, Tan C, Zhang H, Wang M,Ding W, Li S*. Bridging the gap between traditional Chinese medicine and systems biology: the connection of Cold Syndrome and NEI network. Molecular BioSystems 2010;6:613-619
Gu J, Chen Y, Li S*, Li Y*. Identification of responsive gene modules by network-based gene clustering and extending: application to inflammation and angiogenesis. BMC Systems Biology 2010;4:47
Huang Y, Li S*. Detection of characteristic sub pathway network for angiogenesis based on the comprehensive pathway network. BMC Bioinformatics 2010;11(S1):S32
Yao BP, Li S*. ANMM4CBR: acase-based reasoning method for gene expression data classification. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 2010;5:14
Li S, Lu A*, Wang Y. Symptomatic comparisonin efficacy on patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia treated with two therapeutic approaches. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2010;18:21-27
Li S. Network systems underlying traditional Chinese medicine syndrome and herb formula (Invited review). Current Bioinformatics 2009;4(3):188-196
李梢. 中医证候生物分子网络标志的构想与研究. 中医杂志 2009;50(9):773-776
Wu X, Jiang R, Zhang MQ, Li S*. Network-based global inference of human disease genes. Molecular Systems Biology 2008;4:189 (Nature China 亮点论文)
Zhang J, Ma T, Li YD, Li S*. dbNEI2.0: building multilayer network for drug-NEI-disease. Bioinformatics 2008;24:2409-2411
Kang G, Li S*, Zhang JF. Entropy-based model for interpreting life systems in traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2008;5(3):273-279
Wu M, Ma C, Wu Y, Li S*. Simultaneous LC analysis of five bioactive alkaloids in an anti-angiogenesis herbal formula, Qing-Luo-Yin. Chromatographia 2008;68:579-585
Li S*, Zhang Z, Wu L, Zhang X, Li Y, Wang Y. Understanding ZHENG in traditional Chinese medicine in the context of neuro-endocrine-immunenetwork. IET Systems Biology 2007;1(1):51-60
Li S*, Fang YH. Modelling circadian rhythms of protein KaiA, KaiB and KaiC interactions in cyanobacteria. Biological Rhythm Research 2007;38(1):43-53
李梢. 基于生物网络调控的方剂研究模式与实践. 中西医结合学报 2007;5(5):1-5
李梢. 中医药计算系统生物学与寒热证候研究. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化 2007;9(1):105-111
Li S*, Wu LJ, Zhang ZQ. Constructingbiological networks through combined literature mining and microarray analysis: a LMMA approach. Bioinformatics 2006;22:2143-2150
Li S*, Wang R, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Layon AJ, Li Y, Chen M. Symptom combinations associated with outcome and therapeutic effects in a cohort of cases with SARS. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2006;34(6):937-947
Zhuang YL, Li S*, Li YD. dbNEI: a specific database for neuro-endocrine-immune interactions. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2006;27:53-59
Li S*, Lu A, Li B, Wang Y. Circadian rhythms on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones and cytokines ofcollagen induced arthritis in rats. Journal of Autoimmunity 2004;22(4):277-285
Li S*, Lu A, Wang Y, Li Y. Suppressive effects of a Chinese herbal medicine Qing-Luo-Yin extract on the angiogenesis of collagen induced arthritis in rats. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2003;31(5):713-720
李梢. 从维度与阶度探讨中医证候的特征及标准化方法. 北京中医药大学学报 2003;26(3):1-4
李梢,王永炎,季梁,李衍达. 复杂系统意义下的中医药学及其案例研究. 系统仿真学报2002;14(11):1429-1432
1. Li S, Zhang NB, Zhang B. Method of Network-Based Identification of Multicomponent Synergy and Compositions for Use as Effective Component of Anti-Angiogenesis Medicines. 授权美国发明专利. 专利号:US Patent: 12/436,844
2. 李梢,赵世文. 基于蛋白质网络的药物靶标确定和/或药物功能确定方法.申请中国发明专利、PCT专利.申请号:201010218468.X
3. 李梢,张宁波,张博. 基于基因网络的药物组合协同作用确定方法.授权中国发明专利. ZL200810239284.4
4. 李梢,吴敏.一种具有抗血管新生协同作用的中药有效成分组合.授权中国发明专利. 专利号:ZL200610114226.X