(1817—18)德国小说家、诗人.生于北德胡苏姆一个律师家庭.1837年入大学 攻读法律,1843年在家乡任律师.1850年发表中篇小说 《茵梦湖》。小说描写了一对青年男女因婚姻不自由而产生的爱情悲剧,带有浓厚的抒情色彩和感伤情调,该小说赢得了声誉.1853年因反对 丹麦人的统治被迫离开家乡流亡 普鲁士,此间写有中篇小说 《大学里》(1863)等.小说中的女主人公出身寒微,她希望施展自己的才能,但却不为 等级社会所容.1864年丹麦人被赶走,他重返故乡,任 行政长官、法官等职.1877年发表小说《淹死的人》。小说通过两代人的悲剧命运揭露了 容克贵族和教会的残暴虚伪.188年完成的中篇小说《骑白马的人》塑造了一个有能力有抱负,但得不到群众支持的 孤军奋斗的英雄形象.施托姆的小说多以 小市民的个人遭遇和 家庭生活为题材,善于运用自然景物烘托气氛,带有现实主义因素.他的抒情诗受民歌影响,风格简洁朴素,主要描写爱情、婚姻以及故乡的自然风光. (1817-18) German novelist, poet. Born in Husum, North Germany .1837 of a lawyer, he entered the University of studying family law in 1843 in his hometown Lawyers .1850 published novella, "Yin Lomond." The novel describes a pair of young men and women because of marriage, the lack of freedom arising from the tragedy of love, with a strong lyrical color and sentimental mood, the novel won the reputation of .1853 year due to the rule against the Danes were forced to leave his home in exile of Prussia, to write here There novella "University Village" (1863), etc.. novel, the heroine came from humble, and she hoped to show his talents, but not for the .1864 level tolerated by the community in Denmark had been expelled, he returned to hometown, Chief Executive, judges and other staff .1877 published novel "drowning man." Novel by the tragic fate of two generations of people exposed Junker aristocracy and the Church of the brutal hypocrisy of .188, completed the novella, "Riding the White Horse of the people" have the ability to shape a vision, but the lack of public support for soldier's struggle image of a hero. Shtorm novels to ordinary people's personal experiences and family life as the subject matter, good at using the natural features heighten the atmosphere, with a realism factor. His lyrical poetry by the folk influence, style, simple and plain, the main description of love, marriage as well as the hometown of the natural scenery.