

中文名 温德米尔夫人的扇子
剧本完成时间 1892年
作家出生年份 1854年


英国剧作家王尔德(1854—190)的代表作品. 完成于1892年.作品 描写 上流社会的门阀偏见造成的隔膜,猜忌和报复纠葛.温德米尔夫人不了解丈夫私下接济并强要邀请来参加她的生日舞会的埃琳夫人是她的离过婚的母亲,出于嫉妒和 报复心理,赌气到了一向在追求她的伯爵家里,埃琳夫人由于自己过去也是这样离开丈夫的,发觉温德米尔夫人 神色有异,随后赶到,在说服后者离开时,被回家来的伯爵和客人们堵在屋里.两位夫人藏了起来,但温德米尔夫人遗忘的扇子被发现了.埃琳夫人为了不让女儿包于出丑,出来承认扇子是自己借用的,并让女儿得以暗中离去.剧本的技巧运用十分娴熟,充分体现了王尔德出众的才华,尤其是全剧的结构,具有 环环相扣,引人入胜的强烈效果.一把扇子串起了全剧情节的发展线索,从温德米尔夫人想在埃琳夫人来访时用扇子打她 耳光,到扇子在达林顿家中被遗忘、被发现、被辨认,一直到埃林夫人承认扇子是她错拿,事后又登门把扇子送还温德米尔夫人,这一件小道具既担起了表达主人公情感的任务,又成为戏剧情节的核心,紧紧抓住了观众的注意,起到了“ 四两拨千斤”的作用.剧本的语言也具有鲜明的 唯美主义特色.剧中人物的台词充满 警句, 双关语与 幽默感,往往 妙语如珠,活泼俏皮. British playwright Oscar Wilde (1854-190) and representative works. Was completed in 1892. Describes work in high-society divide caused by powerful family prejudices, suspicions and retaliation disputes. Wendell Mier Fu people do not understand her husband in private financial aid and stressed that she should be invited to participate in The birthday party for his wife, Elena is her divorced mother, out of envy and revenge into a fit of anger always count in the pursuit of her home, Erin is also the case in the past because of his wife to leave her husband, who found Wendell Mier Fu look are different, then arrived in persuading the latter to leave when he was home to the Earl and his guests were stuck in the house. 2 wife went into hiding, but forgotten Wendell Mier Fu fan has been found. Elin Mrs. Pack was a fool to let their daughter, admitted that fan their own borrowing and to allow her daughter to leave secretly. skills in the use of the script is very skilled, fully reflects the outstanding talent of Oscar Wilde, in particular the play's structure, with ring ring connected, and the strong effect of spectacular. a fan pierce the development of the opera plot clues, from Wendell Mier Fu people who wish to visit his wife, Erin, when a fan hit her with the slap in the face to the fans at home in Darlington has been forgotten, found to have been identified, until Erin's wife admitted that she took some fans afterwards, door to the return of Wendell Mier Fu fan, and this one props the hero of expression not only to take up the task of emotion, but also become the core of dramatic plot, firmly grasp the audience's attention, played a "skillfully deflected the question" function. script language also has distinctive characteristics of aestheticism. characters of the lines filled with aphorisms, puns and humor, often quip, such as beads, lively witty.

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