

中文学名 罗氏海盘车


海星纲海盘车科(AsteriAidae)的一种.是中国北部最常见的海星.生活于浅海海底.体呈五星形,体盘直径约60毫米,腕长可达100毫米.有5条较粗的腕,向外逐渐变细.口面向下,口在中央,被围口膜包围.每腕在口面中央具步带沟,有4行管足, 管足末端具吸盘.反口面紫色或淡红,并与黄白色相混杂,表面粗糙,有许多排列疏散而不规则的小棘.筛板1个,灰白色,在体盘外侧、两腕基部之间.肛门极小而不易见.海盘车行动缓慢,再生能力很强,以蛤类为食,为贝类养殖业之大害.参 考 资 料1 Alstonias-介绍   包括Alstoniasc Alstonias-相关信息   holaris,多分布于印度东部至菲律宾,印度尼西亚 南至澳大利亚的部分地区。将其茎皮放至水中煮沸可产生丹宁酸,用来退烧,缓解糖尿病,杀死体内的寄生虫 Starfish starfish Gang Division (AsteriAidae) kind. Is the most common starfish in northern China. Living in shallow water seabed. Ticheng five-star-shaped body is about 60 mm in diameter disk, wrist length up to 100 mm. There are five more thick wrist, gradually thinning out. I face down, mouth in the center, surrounded by peristomial membrane. wrists in the mouth of each step with a groove with the central plane, 4 line tube feet, tube foot end of a suction cup. Anti-mouth face purple or pink, and yellow and white hue with mixed surface roughness, there are many rules and not ordered to evacuate the small spines. sieve 1, gray, in the body of the lateral plate, the base of the wrist between the two. anal little while difficult to see. starfish slow-moving, highly regenerative capacity in order to feed on clams, shellfish aquaculture for the great harm. References 1 Alstonias-introduced, including Alstoniasc Alstonias-related information holaris, many found in eastern India to the Philippines , Indonesia, parts of south Australia. Release of its bark to boiling water can produce tannin acid, is used to bring down a fever, diabetes, the body of parasites killed

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