作者:张奎武 主编
There are many other religious denominations in Britain besides the Church ofEngland and the Nonconformist Churches.
There are about 450,000 Jews in Europe. More than half of them live in Lon-don. Jews still tend to marry Jews, for both racial and religious reasons. But amongthe young generation this is happening less and less.
The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain is the Cardinal Archbishop ofWestminster. The United Kingdom is divided into eight Catholic provinces, four inEngland, two in Scotland, and one each in Wales and Northern Ireland. Each prov-ince is controlled by an archbishop and is divided into dioceses, each of which isheaded by a bishop.
The Churches in Scotland are almost in every respect similar to the Low Churchsection of the Anglican Church. They have a similar kind of service and share thesame apostolic succession (the passing on through bishops and priests of the powersand mission that was handed by Christ to his apostles).
The Churches in Wales are Calvinist or Presbyterian. This type of church is ofpurely Welsh origin, drawing its members from a large section of the Welsh-speakingpopulation. It is not an established church, but it is a member of the British Councilof Churches. The Calvinist Church is the Sunday school; adults as well as children goto the church to study the Bible. In England and Scotland only children attend suchschools.
There are five main features of the British worship: unity among the churches,social responsibility, the keeping-up with the time, no "Christian" political party anda widespread interest in religion.
Religion is playing an increasingly less important role in the social life of Britain.It is of much significance in literature and art, in social life and in Western civiliza-tion.
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