《语言教学的流派》是“当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”系列丛书之一。本书对几个具有代表性的语言教学法,进行了详细的描述和分析,有助于外语教学研究者了解历史,开创21世纪外语教学研究新局面。This book presents an overview and analysis of the major approaches and methods used in secona and foreign language teaching. Using a single analytical model throughout the book, the authors place eacb method within its historical comtext and examine it at three levels: approach. design. and procedure. the methods and approaches covered include: Grammar Translation the Direct Method Situational Language
1 A brief history of language reaching
2 The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching
3 The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
4 The Audiolingual Method
5 Communicative Language Teaching
6 Total Physical Resp...
4 The Audiollngual Method Background
The Coleman Report in 1 929 recommended a reading.based approach totoreign language teaching for use in American schools and colleges(Chapter 1).This emphasized teaching the comprehension of texts.Teachers taught from books containing short reading passages in theforeign language,preceded by lists of vocabulary.Rapid silent reading was the goal,but in practice teachers often resorted to discussing thecontent of the passage in English.Those involved in the teaching of English as a second language in the United States between the two worldwars used either a modified Direct Method approach.a reading.basedapproach,or a reading’oral approach fDarian 1972).Unlike the approach that was being developed by British applied linguists during thesame period,there was little attempt to treat language content systemat.ically.Sentence patterns and grammar were introduced at the whim of thetextbook writer.There was no standardization of the vocabularv orgrammar that was included.Neither was there a consensus on whatgrammar,sentence patterns,and vocabulary were most important forbeginning,intermediate,or advanced learners. But the entry of the United States into World War II had a significanteffect on language teaching in America.To supply the U.S.governmentwith personnel who were fluent in German,French,Italian,Chinese,Japanese,Malay,and other languages,and who could work as interDreters.code-room assistants,and translators,it was necessary tO set up aspecial language training program.The government commissionedAmerican unlversltles to develop foreign language programs for militarypersonnel.Thus the Army Specialized Training Program(ASTP)wasestablished in 1942.Fifty.five American universities were involved in theprogram by the beginning of 1943.
作者:(英国)理查德 (Richards.J.C) (英国)罗杰斯 (Rodgers.T.S)
This is a revised and reorganized version of the first edition.originallypublished in 1986.More than half of the contents of this new edition hasbeen specially written for this edition.Since the first edition was pub.1ished.it has become one of the most widely referred to books on teach.ing methods.Since then,however,a great deal has happened in languageteaching.In planning this new edition,we have therefore made a numberof substantial changes. We have divided the book into three main parts: Part I deals with major trends in twentieth.century language teaching.The chapters in this section are substantially the same as those in the firstedition but include an updated list of references.
Part II deals with alternative approaches and methods.This sectiondescribes approaches and methods that have attracted support atdifferent times and in different places throughout the last 30 or so years.but have generally not been widely accepted or,in some cases,have not maintained substantial followings.The chapters on Total Physical Response,the Silent Way,Community Language Learning,and Suggestopedia are shorter versions of chapters from the first edition.Additional and more recent references have been added tO these chapters.Because these methods are no longer widely used,a shorter treatment seemed appropriate.Readers requiring fuller discussion of these methods should consult the first edition.New chapters on Whole Language.Multiple Intelligences,Neurolinguistic Programming,the Lexical Approach,and CompetencyBased Language Teaching complete Part II.Althoughthese latter appr6aches share some features with communicative approaches in Part III.we feel that they are SUfficiently distinct tO be grouped with the other approaches discussed in Part II.