中国现代革命文艺史上一次向民间艺术学习的热潮.1942年毛泽东同志 《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表之后,解放区的文艺工作者开始按照毛主席所指出的文艺方向深入生活和向民间艺术学习.在延安地区很快便形成了学习秧歌、研究秧歌、加工发展秧歌,并用秧歌的形式进行新的艺术创造的热潮.不久便发展成为波及整个解放区的轰轰烈烈的 新秧歌运动.由于艺术家的整理和创造,使秧歌从形式到内容都有了巨大的变化,以其崭新的面貌出现.它在解放区作为宣传群众、鼓舞抗战、开展大生产以及开展 拥政爱民、 拥军优属等活动都起到了巨大的推动作用.秧歌深受人民喜爱,优秀剧目层出不穷,如《 兄妹开荒》、 《白毛女》、《翻身秧歌》、《斗争秧歌》、《胜利 腰鼓》、《打 花鼓》、 《龙灯》、 《小车》、 《旱船》、 《挑花篮》、 《张公背张婆》、《生产舞》、《运盐》等.解放区的新秧歌运动对国统区的爱国进步 舞蹈家产生了积极的影响.1944年底重庆新华社为纪念创刊7周年举行庆祝会,延安的剧团演出了 秧歌舞和 《兄妹开荒》等 秧歌剧.英国华裔舞蹈家 戴爱莲和 育才学校的部分师生及在重庆的一些文艺界人士受周恩来之邀,观看了演出,受其启发国统区的戴爱莲在育才学校的协助下演出了《边疆音乐舞蹈大会》。解放战争时期,随着解放大军的节节胜利,秧歌、腰鼓跳遍了 中国大陆城市和乡村,几乎成了“胜利”、“解放”的象征.1949年,从解放区带来的 《大秧歌》、《 腰鼓舞》作为中国人民获得翻身解放和欢庆人民胜利象征的 民间舞蹈作品,参加了在匈牙利 布达佩斯举行的第二届 世界青年联欢节的演出,并荣获了特等奖.&&&& 外国舞蹈 Revolution in the history of modern Chinese literature and art to folk art of learning craze .1942 year, Comrade Mao Tse-tung "in the Yan'an Forum on Literature of the speech" was published, the liberated areas of the writers and artists began to follow Chairman Mao pointed out in literature and art direction of people's daily lives and to the folk art learning. in Yan'an region soon formed a study Yangko, research Yangko, processing and development of Yangko and use Yangko a new form of artistic creation the globe. soon spread throughout the liberated areas to develop into a new Yangko vigorous campaign. because of the artist's finishing and create, so that both form and content Yangko tremendous changes, with its new look. It is in the liberated areas as the propaganda among the masses, encouraged by the resistance, to carry out large-scale production, as well as carrying out Yongzhengaimin, Yongjunyoushu activities have played a significant role in promoting the . Yangko deeply loved the people, excellent repertoire after another, such as "brothers and sisters wasteland," "White-Haired Girl," " stand up Yangge", "struggle Yangge", "Victory drum" and "fighting Flower Drum", "dragon," " car" , "Han Chuan", "pick flowers", "furtherance back Chang Po", "production Dance", "Yun salt," and so on. yangge liberated the new movement on the National Unification areas of patriotic and progressive dancers had a positive impact on .1944 by the end of Chongqing Xinhua News Agency, founded to commemorate the 7th anniversary celebration will be, Yenan Yangge dance troupe performed and the "brothers and sisters wasteland" and Yangge drama. English-Chinese dancer Dai Ailian and Yucai part of their school teachers and students in Chongqing, a number of literary and art circles of people affected by Chou En-lai invited to watch the performance, by its inspiration in the Kuomintang-controlled areas of the Dai Ailian Yucai performed with the assistance of the school "border music and dance of the General Assembly." During the liberation war, with the liberation army of the score one victory, Yangko, waist drum dancing all over the Chinese mainland cities and villages, almost as a "victory", "liberated" a symbol of .1949 years, from the liberated areas to bring the " big yangge" "waist encouraged" as the Chinese people's access to people's liberation and the celebration of the victory symbol of folk dance works, participated in Budapest, Hungary at the second session of the World Youth Festival performances, and won a special award .&&&& foreign dance