

中文名 罗马尼亚文学
类型 民歌、故事、叙事诗、抒情诗


由于异族侵略和国内战争,罗马尼亚长期未形成统一的民族国家和统一的语言文字,其文化发展较为落后,至16世纪才在瓦拉几亚方言的基础上形成罗马尼亚文学语言.早期的罗马尼亚文学与广义的文化很难严格地区分开来,其最早的印刷书籍、韵文祷词等,都与基督教有着密切的关系.罗马尼亚名副其实的文学创作,始于18世纪下半叶.当时流行的文学体裁是抒情诗、叙事诗.伊安库被称为“罗马尼亚诗歌之父”。19世纪中期和后期是罗马尼亚文学创作的繁荣期,出现了阿列克山德里、艾明内斯库、克里昂加等重要作家.19世纪末20世纪初,在罗马尼亚文学中显示出以批判现实主义为主流的文学趋向,同时也出现过另一些近代文学思潮,如象征主义、印象主义、自然主义等,并形成几个新的文学流派,如民粹派和播种派.这时期最重要的作家是斯拉维支、卡拉迦列、科什布克、萨多维亚努、列布里亚努等.1944年罗马尼亚解放后,其文学的发展也进入新的阶段.进步文艺刊物相继出现,并成立了罗马尼亚作家联合会.从旧时代过来的老作家注重对历史题材的挖掘.而解放后出现的新进作家则着眼于现代题材.较为重要的作家有托玛、阿尔盖齐、彼得列斯古、巴琅格等. As the alien invasion and civil war, Romania is not a long time to form a unified nation-state and a unified language, their cultural development is lagging behind, to the 16th century in Wallachia was based on the dialect of the Romanian literary language formation. Early Romanian literature and generalized culture of the region are very hard to distinguish its earliest printed books, verse prayers, have a close relationship with Christianity. Romania's real literary career began in the second half of the 18th century. was a popular literary genre is the lyrical poetry, narrative poetry. Ian library known as the "father of Romanian poetry." The mid-and late 19th century, the Romanian literary creation boom, the emergence of Alexei Sandri, Ai-Ming Constantinescu, and other important writers .19 Keliangjia the late 20th century, in Romania the literature shows that a critical realism mainstream literary trends, but also there have been some modern literary trends, such as symbolism, impressionism, naturalism, etc., and the formation of several new literary genre, such as the populist and seeding were. the most important writers of this period yes Slaoui pieces Caragiale, cosbuc, Sadoveanu, columns, etc. .1944 Buliyanu years after the liberation of Romania, its literature, has also entered a new stage of development. progressive writers and publications have appeared and the establishment of the Romanian Writers Union. came from the old era of the old writers focus on the excavation of historical themes. but emerged after the liberation of New writers are focused on modern themes. the more important writers Thomas, Al Gai Qi, Peter out Ancient Sri Lanka, Pakistan and so on enamel cells.

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