

中文名 罗宾森


(1830—1901)英国早期绘画派摄影家代表之一.1858年开始从事摄影,187年任英国摄影学会副会长,1896年被选为 联合王国全国摄影大会主席.他所采用的绘画派摄影创作方法,是事先画下某种场面的草图,然后把各个构成部分拍成照片,接着分别剪贴在适当的背景上,再小心地弥合缝隙,最后把全画面拍成照片.绘画派摄影的特点是题材多为历史性、寓言性、 文学性和怀古性的.画面结构严谨.作品可以根据摄影家的构思,像美术绘画一样创造出主题画面.但作品缺乏真实感及生动活泼的情感.代表作品有 《临终》、《黎明与黄昏》等.有《摄影的 画意效果》等著作. (1830-1901) British photographer of early paintings were one of the representatives .1858 began to engage in photography, 187, he served as vice president of the British Photographic Society, the United Kingdom in 1896 was elected National President of the Assembly photography. His paintings were used in photography method is some sort of pre-painted scenes sketches, and then made into the various components of photographs, and then were cut and paste in the appropriate background, and then carefully bridge the gap and finally the whole screen turned into a photo. paintings were characterized by photography subjects are mostly historical, allegorical nature, literature, and nostalgia in nature. screen structured. work at home based on the idea of photography as art, like painting pictures to create a theme. However, the lack of realistic and lively works of emotions. representative works the "death", "Dawn and Dusk" and so on. have "photography effect of Painting" and other works.

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