

中文名 真相画报
开本 16开本
出版时间 1912年6月5日


中国近代早期的时事新闻性画报.1912年6月5日创刊于上海.同盟会会员、岭南派画家高奇峰任编辑兼发行人,在上海、广东发行.宣称以“监督共和政治……输入世界知识为宗旨”。设“时事摄影”、“名胜摄影”、“时事画”、“滑稽画”等栏目,穿插刊登文字稿.注重反映当时中国的政治“真相”,大量刊载反映辛亥革命和南京临时政府活动的照片.该刊第十四至十七期以新闻摄影报道方式连续报道宋教仁被刺案详情,并刊登《谋杀宋教仁先生之关系者》和《谋杀宋教仁先生之铁证一斑》两组照片,因此触怒了袁世凯政府,于1913年夏被迫停刊. Early Modern China Pictorial current events of June 5 years .1912 founded in Shanghai. League members, the Lingnan School painters Gao Qifeng editor and publisher, in Shanghai, Guangdong issued. Claiming to "monitor republican politics ... ... enter the world of knowledge for the purpose. " Based "News Photography", "famous photographers", "current affairs painting", "Comic Art" and other columns, interspersed published scripts. Pay attention to reflect the time, China's political "truth", a large number of published reflecting the 1911 Revolution and the Nanjing-based provisional government activities photos . journal 14th to 17 in photo news coverage of the case means a series of reports details of the assassination of Sung Chiao-jen, and published, "the relationship between the murder of Mr. Song Jiaoren" and "iron-clad proof of the murder of Mr. Song Jiaoren reflected in" two sets of photos , so angered the government of the Yuan, in the summer of 1913 was forced to cease publication.

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