《极度恐慌3》画面《极度恐慌3》承袭了系列中第一人称射击与惊吓游戏混合的风格,并新增了多人合作模式与及一种类似杀戮地带3的掩护系统。游戏中玩家可以选择扮演Pointman或Paxton Fettel,两者分别为系列第一集的主角和反派。扮演Pointman的玩家操作与前作无异:以各种不同的枪械击倒敌人,并拥有让时间流动缓慢的能力;Fettel则能以各种超能力与及附身于敌人身上辅助Pointman完成关卡。 游戏提供在线与及离线分屏合作模式,而在单人游戏中玩家以Pointman完成任关卡后就能选择使用Fettel进行游戏。[2]
极度恐慌3的多人联机部份共有四种模式:"Fucking Run"、"Contractions"、"Soul Survivor"及"Soul King"。 在"Fucking Run"中,四位玩家需要合作解决越来越强的敌人,同时亦需要逃避一面不断接近玩家们的"死亡之墙"。"Contractions"类似使命召唤:世界战争以及使命召唤:黑色行动中的僵尸模式:玩家需要不断修复被撬开的窗户并屯积武器以应付共20波的怪物,同时地图会随玩家生存时间渐渐被浓雾覆盖,增加气氛及游戏难度。"Soul Survivor"里,其中一位玩家会被随机抽选成为"幽灵"。幽灵需要在限时之内通过附身敌人追杀其余三位玩家获胜。而"Soul King"中四位玩家皆为幽灵,并以附身杀敌多寡决定胜负。[3]
Alma在3代中重返《F.E.A.R.》的世界。但是这次她的儿子Point Man和Paxton Fettel将引入不同的合作模式,两人截然不同的能力也让使用不同角色进行游戏的玩家能够得到不同的游戏体验。玩家们可以在单人游戏模式和合作模式中扮演Point Man和他的弟弟Paxton Fettel。熟悉前作的人都知道,Point Man是一名超级战士,而Paxton Fettel则可以进行心灵控制。[4]
Rank 1 - Origin - 0 - Starting Rank Rank 2 - Experiment - 20000 - Training 1/1 (Slide Kick/Jump Kick)
Rank 3 - Prototype - 40000 - Reflexes 1/6 (+1 sec slow mo/+5 sec possession)
《极度恐慌3》画面Rank 4 - Outcast - 65000 - Preparation 1/3 (+1 clip of ammo for all weapons)
Rank 5 - Scavenger - 95000 - Supplies 1/2 (+1 more carried grenade)
Rank 6 - Survivalist - 130000 - Reflexes 2/6 (+1 sec slow mo/+5 sec possession)
Rank 7 - Soldier - 170000 - Impervious 1/3 (Increased Health Regen)
Rank 8 - Commando - 215000 - Fitness 1/5 (+10% Health)
Rank 9 - Guerilla - 265000 - Reflexes 3/6 (+1 sec slo mo/+5 sec possession)
Rank 10 - Special-Op - 320000 - Preperation 2/3 (+1 clip of ammo for weapons)
Rank 11 - Assassin - 380000 - Fitness 2/5 (+10% Health)
Rank 12 - Super Soldier - 445000 - Reflexes 4/6 (See other Reflexes unlocks)
Rank 13 - Specter - 515000 - Supplies 2/2 (+1 more carried grenade)
Rank 14 - Wraith - 590000 - Fitness 3/5 (+10% Health)
Rank 15 - Demon - 670000 - Reflexes 5/6 (+1 second slow mo/+5 sec possession)
Rank 16 - Prodigy - 765000 - Impervious 2/3 (Further improved health regen)
Rank 17 - Rising Son - 845000 - Fitness 4/5 (+10% Health)
Rank 18 - Chosen One - 940000 - Reflexes 6/6 (See other Reflexes unlocks)
Rank 19 - War Bringer - 1040000 - Preparation 3/3 (+1 clip of ammo for weapons)
Rank 20 - Harbinger - 1145000 - Impervious 3/3 (Maximum health regen)
Rank 21 - FEARLESS - 1255000 - Fitness 5/5 (+10% Health)
* 系统: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* 中央处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz or
Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+
* 内存: 2 GB
* 硬盘需求: 10 GB free disk space
* 显存: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* 声卡: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c
蹲伏 C 视角:鼠标移动
跳 SPACE(空格)
向后移动 S
向前移动 W
向左移动 A
向右移动 D
冲刺 Left Shift
交火 Mouse 1
混战 Mouse 3/Left Alt
后一种手雷 6
前一种手雷 5
装填弹药 R
爆破手雷 2
ZAP手雷 4
切换武器 Mouse Scroll/1
瞄准方式 Mouse 2
隐蔽 Q
手电筒 F
缓慢的 Left Ctrl/Mouse 5
使用 E
取消持有 Left Ctrl/Mouse 5
持有 Left Ctrl/Mouse 5
眩晕爆炸 Mouse 1
悬浮 Mouse 2
投掷 G/Mouse 4
火炮 Mouse 1
副武器 G/Mouse 4
机甲近战Mouse 1/Left Alt
盾牌 Left Ctrl/Mouse 5
机甲重踏 Space
快速更新 F1/Tab
8.0 Presentation
F.E.A.R. 3 is a horror game for horror fans, with plenty of scares and frights to psychologically taunt you.
7.5 Graphics
A mildly dated-looking game, F.E.A.R. 3 still looks really good, and for the most part runs smoothly.
8.0 Sound
I wasn’t blown-away by the voice acting, but there were certainly times when I was totally floored by the ambient sound effects and scary music.
8.0 Gameplay
《极度恐慌3》画面If you play a lot of shooters, F.E.A.R. 3 won’t strike you as a mechanically different game than many other FPS titles. Yet, its combination of basic mechanics with F.E.A.R.-like additions works well.
操控手感:8分。如果你玩过很多射击游戏, F.E.A.R. 3作为FPS与它们并无本质不同。但是,常规的射击手感再加上恐怖因素,这为F.E.A.R. 3加分不少。
9.0 Lasting Appeal
F.E.A.R. 3 is huge. A 7-8 hour solo campaign can be beaten with two characters. Then, there’s co-op and multiplayer. And earning high scores. There’s a lot to do here.
亚马逊:一本12页的《极度恐慌3》漫画书。这本漫画讲述了发生在游戏剧情之前,以及第一代FEAR剧情之后的故事。漫画由Steve Niles撰写剧情,由Stefano Raffaele配画,并且由D.C. Comics发行。
Best Buy:一把专属的“The Shredder”武器,它可以帮助你对付强大的敌人。这把枪发射硝酸盐重子弹,就好比“你手中的一只喷火巨龙”。
Gamestop:玩家会得到Hammer,Paxton Fettel的原配副武器。它使用.50大口径子弹,是普通手枪的两倍威力。