英文名:Lawrence Grant
科学怪人的鬼魂The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)
活着的鬼魂The Living Ghost (1942)
永爱老爸My Heart Belongs to Daddy (1942)
情海妒潮Rage in Heaven (1941)
化身博士Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1941)
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940)
英国情报处British Intelligence (1940)
战地女护士Women in War (1940)
妮诺奇嘉Ninotchka (1939)
弗兰肯斯坦的儿子Son of Frankenstein (1939)
蓝胡子的第八任妻子Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938)
The Young in Heart (1938)
绝代艳后Marie Antoinette (1938)
S O S Coast Guard (1937)
消失在地平线Lost Horizon (1937)
罗宫秘史Prisoner of Zenda (1937)
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)
玛丽女王Mary of Scotland (1936)
克郎迪克·安妮Klondike Annie (1936)
瓦妮莎的爱情故事Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935)
双城记A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
伦敦狼人WereWolf of London (1935)
魔鬼是女人The Devil Is a Woman (1935)
淘气的玛丽达Naughty Marietta (1935)
黑暗天使The Dark Angel (1935)
娜娜Nana (1934)
基度山恩仇记The Count of Monte Cristo (1934)
The Man Who Reclaimed His Head (1934)
神秘的面纱The Painted Veil (1934)
瑞典女王Queen Christina (1933)
布兰奇夫人的秘密The Secret of Madame Blanche (1933)
乱世春秋Cavalcade (1933)
大饭店Grand Hotel (1932)
The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932)
轻而易举Speak Easily (1932)
上海快车Shanghai Express (1932)
龙女Daughter of the Dragon (1931)
安全号码Safety in Numbers (1930)
名媛双胞案Bulldog Drummond (1929)
金丝雀杀人事件The Canary Murder Case (1929)
亚伯拉罕·林肯的戏剧人生The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln (1924)