
中文名 结构与物性
来源文献 《固体物理》


  普通大学面向本科三年级物理学、材料物理、 微电子学与固体电子学等专业开放的专业必修课程(或选修)。
   课程名称(英文):Structure and Properties of Matter
  分别从原子、分子、团簇和晶体层次介绍物质的基本结构及其对宏观物理性质的影响。着重介绍化学键的物理本质及其对物质结构、形态和性能的影响;讲述物质结构对称性的起源,主要包括分子的对称性和晶体的对称性,基本对称操作和群的概念。要求掌握基本的晶体结构表征方法(主要是 X射线衍射,放在《固体物理》中讲授)。具体讲授原子结构与 原子轨道, 电子组态; 分子轨道理论、 价键理论、 杂化轨道理论,化学键,分子构形与构象;碳与碳相关的物质结构。介绍 分子间相互作用,作用力类型,氢键, 亲水基团与疏水基团,表面张力与表面活性剂。在讲述基本知识的同时,介绍相关的前沿科研成果。晶体内部的微观运动规律放在《固体物理》中讲授(具体见《固体物理》课程内容简介)。
  This course introduces the basic structures of matter and its effects on the properties, on the levels of atoms, molecules, clusters and crystals, respectively. We emphasize on the physical origin of the chemical bonds, and how they affect the structure, configuration and the properties of matter. It introduces the origin of symmetry of matter, mainly including the symmetries of molecules and crystals, basic operation of symmetry and the concepts of group. Basic methods for characterization of crystal structure, such as X-ray diffraction, should be mastered (This part of crystal structure is combined with that in the course of Solid State Physics). In more details, it is introduced the atomic structure and atomic orbits, electronic configuration; theory of molecular orbital, valence bond theory, theory of hybridization orbit, chemical bonds, molecular configuration and conformation; structures of carbon and carbon based materials. It also introduces intermolecular interaction, types of interaction force, hydrogen bond, hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups, surface tension and surfactants. During the course, related frontier researches and achievements would be mentioned. The microscopic law inside crystals would be taught in the course of Solid State Physics.

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