第1版前言Unit 1Overview of Vehicles车辆概述1
11Perspective View of a Car汽车透视图1
12Passenger Car Types乘用车类型6
13Commercial Vehicle Types商用车类型11
14SPV (SpecialPurpose Vehicle)Types专用汽车类型16
15Drivetrain Configurations and Engine Position传动系布置和发动机位置20
16Vehicle Certification Label汽车认证牌24Unit 2Engine发动机29
21FourCylinder Inline Gasoline Engine直列四缸汽油机29
22Basic Terms of an Engine发动机基本术语34
23FourStroke Engine四冲程发动机38
24The Components of a Cylinder Head气缸盖零部件42
25Lubrication System润滑系统47
26Diesel Engine Fuel System柴油机燃油系统50Unit 3Electronic Fuel Injection(EFI)电控燃油喷射53
31Electronic Fuel Injection Description电控燃油喷射介绍53
32Engine Control System发动机控制系统57
33Fuel System Description供油系统介绍62
34Electronic Spark Advance System电子点火系统66
35Spark Plug火花塞70
36Idle Speed Control System怠速控制系统74
37Electronic Throttle Control System电子节气门控制系统78Unit 4Transmission System传动系统82
41Transmission System and Clutch传动系统和离合器82
43Automatic Transmission自动变速器91
44Final drive and Differential主减速器和差速器96
45Driveshaft and 4WD传动轴和四轮驱动100
46Hub and Tire轮毂和轮胎105Unit 5Body and Accessory车身及附件111
51Body Class车身类型111
52Car Body Structure(Ⅰ)轿车车身结构(一)115
53Car Body Structure(Ⅱ)轿车车身结构(二)120
54Seat and Seat Belt座椅和座椅安全带125
55Power Window电动车窗130
56Windshield Wiper System风窗刮水器系统135Unit 6Automotive Electric Devices and Electronics汽车电气和电子设备139
63Reduction Type Starter减速型起动机145
64Lamp System照明系统148
65Air Conditioning System空调系统151
66Combination Meter (Instrument)组合仪表155
67Electrical Wiring Diagram电路图158
68SRS(Supplemental Restraint System)辅助约束系统162
69Symbols of Electric and Electronics电气和电子装置符号165Unit 7Diagnostic Scan Tool and Oscilloscope故障诊断仪和示波器171
71Diagnostic Scan Tool故障诊断仪171
72Tech 2 Scan ToolTech 2故障诊断仪176
73TouchPanelType Tester Operation触摸屏式故障诊断仪操作180
74DTCs Detection Item故障码检测项目184
75Scan Tool Data Table(Ⅰ)故障诊断仪数据表(一)188
76Scan Tool Data Table(Ⅱ)故障诊断仪数据表(二)193
77Other Abbreviations of Scan Tools故障诊断仪中的其他缩略语198
78VAG5051 DisplayVAG5051显示屏201
79DSO (Data Storage Oscillograph)Display数字式存储示波器显示屏205词汇表209