



戏剧情节的有规律运行和观众审美体验的有机构成.戏剧是一门综合艺术,它要求导演将各种舞台因素,统一于演出的思想性与艺术性之中,使之谐调发展,成为一个完整体.这一艺术整体的运行,应遵循一致性、变化性、延续性和起伏性等规则.把握舞台节奏的基本出发点是抓住戏剧矛盾冲突的发展线索,在规定情境中,处理好舞台行动的速度、时空的长度与广度、舞台气氛的强弱等;在整个情节的展开过程中,则需要安排好戏剧的整体结构及其有机构成,场面与场面的衔接与对应等,使众多的情节线索统一于艺术整体之中,使戏剧所体现的生活流程循序发展,富有戏剧性.舞台节奏形成的主要因素是舞台表演所体现的速度感和节奏感,控制节奏的目的,在于追求戏剧审美效果的完整性和统一性. Dramatic plot and the audience to run regular organic composition of aesthetic experience. Drama is an integrated arts, which requires the director to stage a variety of factors, unified in ideological and artistic performances being so harmonize development and become an end as a whole. The art of the whole operation, should follow the consistency, variability, continuity and downs of such rules. grasp the rhythm of the basic point of departure stage is to seize the dramatic conflicts in the development of leads, the required context handle the speed of the stage action space-time length and breadth of the stage the strength of the atmosphere, etc.; in the course of the whole plot unfolds, you need to arrange for a good drama, the overall structure of its organic composition, and the scene with the scenes and the corresponding interface, so that a large number of plot lines are unity in the arts as a whole in order that drama embodied in the gradual development of life processes, dramatic. stage, the main factor is the rhythm of the formation of stage performances embodied in the sense of speed and sense of rhythm and control the rhythm of the purpose is the pursuit of dramatic aesthetic effect of the integrity of the and consistency.

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