简称“变”。唐代出现的通俗文学形式之一.它是继承汉魏六朝诗、小说等文学传统,又在佛教僧徒的所谓“唱导”(即用说唱形式宣扬佛理)的直接影响下发展成熟的文体,具有说唱相间、韵白结合、语言通俗、叙事曲折、描写生动和想象丰富等特点.变文一语,有多种解释,其中一说把古典故事变化一番,再进行演说,便于人们明白.唐朝早期的变文,最早出现于佛寺禅门,就是把讲经形式和民间说唱形式相结合,来演绎佛经故事.为了使佛理经义通俗化,便于吸引听众,逐渐地在讲唱中加入了一些历史故事和现实内容,还向听众展示不同图画,并出现专职的俗讲僧.中晚唐时期,俗讲之风在寺庙中盛行.这时出现转唱变文的职业民间艺人,他们还创作出许多以历史故事、民间传说和现实内容为题材的变文,在专门讲唱变文的“变场”讲唱.北宋以来,这些变文绝大部分失传.今存变文为敦煌藏经洞抄写本,清光绪年间始发现.敦煌变文包括讲唱佛经故事和世俗故事两类.前者主要是宣扬佛理和封建迷信,如《维摩诘经讲经文》、《大目乾连冥间救母变文》;后者不少反映了人民的疾苦和爱憎,如《王昭君变文》、《孟姜女变文》、以及讲唱历史故事的《伍子胥变文》等.变文对唐代文人创作(如传奇),具有一定的影响;对后代的鼓词、弹词等讲唱文学和杂剧、南戏等戏曲文学,也有积极的影响. Referred to as "change." Appeared in the Tang Dynasty form of popular literature. It is inherited Han, Wei and Six Dynasties poetry, novels and other literary tradition, but also the Buddhist monks in the so-called "singing lead" (ie, the form used to promote Buddhist rap) directly under the influence of a mature style , with rap and white, white with rhyme, language, popular, narrative twists and turns, vivid descriptions and rich imagination and so on. change text of a phrase has many meanings, one of them said that some changes in the classical story, and then to speak, easy people to understand the . change text of the early Tang dynasty, first appeared in the Buddhist Chan Men, is to expound the texts form and combined form of folk storytelling, singing, to perform Buddhist stories. In order to Buddhist Sutra popularization, easy to attract listeners, and gradually in the spoken or sung in joined a number of historical stories and practical content, but also show a different picture to the audience, and the emergence of full-time secular speaking monk. Middle and Late Tang period, vulgar speaking style prevalent in the temple. then change the text appears to switch career singing folk artists, They also create a number of historical stories, folklore and reality themes change the contents of the text, change the text in a special spoken or sung "change field" spoken or sung. Song has lost most of these changes the text. change text of this deposit for the Dunhuang Cangjing Dong copying of the Qing dynasty, was found between the beginning. Dunhuang, including talking to sing secular Buddhist stories and two stories. The former is mainly to promote Buddhist and feudal superstitions, such as "Vimalakirti by the scriptures say," "Big between the head dry with offerings to save the mother changed the text "; the latter number reflects the people's suffering and love and hate, such as" Wang Zhaojun pien-wen "," Meng Jiangnu Pien-wen ", as well as the spoken or sung the story of history," Wu Zixu change the text "and so on. Pien-wen Tang Dynasty scholar of creative works (such as the legend), with some effect; Guci to future generations, storytelling and other spoken or sung Literature and Drama South opera literature, opera, etc., also have a positive impact.