将口碰到另一人的耳朵说话, 当然不想在场的其它人知道内容
咬耳朵如果怕给人奇怪, 可以打眼色, 不过传递的讯息效率不如咬耳朵高
咬耳朵 [yáo'ěrduo]
动词 [口] whisper
蚊子咬得腿上直痒痒。 The mosquito bites on my legs itch terribly. → 痒痒
咬不动 too tough to bite (or chew) → 咬
咬耳朵咬一口 take a bite → 咬
这个旧螺母咬不住扣儿了。 This old nut won't bite (or grip). → 咬
双方比分一直咬得很紧。 The score was very close throughout the match. → 咬
这把刀埋在地里让土咬了。 The knife had been buried in the ground and was corroded. → 咬
这个字他咬不准。 He can't pronounce this word correctly. → 咬
字音咬得真 pronounce words distinctly → 真
咬着嘴唇 bite one's lips → 嘴唇