
中文名 李殿中
主要成就 2007年获何梁何利科学与技术创新奖
毕业院校 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程系
职务 中国科学院金属研究所党委委员,中国科学院金属研究所沈阳材料科学国家研究中心先进钢铁材料研究部主任、研究员






2001年作为英国皇家学会高级访问学者,在伯明翰大学著名教授John Campbell指导下开展热加工过程组织模拟与工艺设计工作。



During the period 1998 to 2007 he established the Modeling Group and earned its reputation as a successful example of Institute-industry collaboration. He is one of the oustanding young scientists in CAS, and famous expert in the modeling and application in the heavy castings and heavy forgings. He is the coauthor of a textbook 'Modelling of Metal Processing' published by Science Press of China in 2006.

During the year 1999 to 2003, he significantly broadened his research and emphasized steel related research. In 2003, he led the physical metallurgy investigations for developing a cmmercial hot stripmill model for Ansteel Company of China. Over the years he has developed a strong research program in ferrous in ferrous physical metallurgy.

He is an expert in modeling the microstructure evolution, in particular the austenite-ferrite phase transformation kinetics, in low carbon steels. A unique aspect of his research activities is that phase transformations are coupled with crystal plasticity finite element. His research activties emphasize the development of novel modeling tools including recrystallization models and phase transformation models.









1. Chen Y, Bogno AA, Xiao NM, Billia B, Kang XH, Nguyen-Thi H, Luo XH, Li DZ. Quantitatively comparing phase-field modeling with direct real time observation by synchrotron X-ray radiography of the initial transient during directional solidification of an Al-Cu alloy. Acta Materialia

2. Zheng CW, Raabe D, Li DZ. Prediction of post-dynamic austenite-to-ferrite transformation and reverse transformation in a low-carbon steel by cellular automaton modeling. Acta Materialia,

3. Niu, HY; Chen, XQ; Wang, SB; Li, DZ; Mao, WDL; Li, YY. Families of Superhard Crystalline Carbon Allotropes Constructed via Cold Compression of Graphite and Nanotubes. Physical Review Letters,

4. Mingyue Sun, Luhan Hao, Shijian Li, Dianzhong Li, Yiyi Li, Modeling flow stress constitutive behavior of SA508-3 steel for nuclear reactor pressure vessels, Journal of Nuclear Materials.

5. Sang BG, Kang XH, Liu DR, Li DZ. A novel technique for reducing macrosegregation in heavy steel ingots. Journal of Materials Processing Technology

6. Wang P, Lu SP, Xiao NM, Li DZ, Li YY. Effect of delta ferrite on impact properties of low carbon 13Cr-4Ni martensitic stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering A,

7. Lu, SP; Wei, ST; Li, DZ; Li, YY. Effects of heat treatment process and niobium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon steel weld metal. Journal of Materials Science

8. Zheng CW, Xiao NM, Hao LH, Li DZ, Li YY. Numerical simulation of dynamic strain-induced austenite-ferrite transformation in a low carbon steel. Acta Materialia,

9. Li DZ, Xiao NM, Lan YJ, Zheng CW, Li YY. Growth modes of individual ferrite grains in the austenite to ferrite transformation of low carbon steels. Acta Materialia,

10. Xiao NM, Tong MM, Lan YJ, Li DZ, Li YY. Coupled simulation of the influence of austenite deformation on the subsequent isothermal austenite –ferrite transformation, Acta Materialia,


1. 特邀报告:Multi-scale Modelling of Channel Segregates in Steel Ingots





2. 特邀报告:Process modelings and simulations of heavy castings and forgings

会议名称:The 11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes



3. 特邀报告:Martensitic Stainless Steel 0Cr13Ni4Mo for Hydraulic Runner


会议主办方:The American Ceramic Society

会议地点:Florida, USA。


1. 发明专利:一种抑制大型钢锭偏析的方法、发明人:桑宝光;李殿中;夏立军;康秀红;李依依

2. 发明专利:一种低偏析大型钢锭制造方法、发明人:康秀红;陈露贵;夏立军;李殿中;傅排先;李依依

3. 发明专利:一种大型钢锭偏析的研究方法、发明人:陈露贵;康秀红;夏立军;李殿中;傅排先;李依依

4. 发明专利:一种钢锭中固相移动的模拟方法、发明人:刘东戎;桑宝光;康秀红;李殿中

5. 发明专利:一种10-30吨底漏钢包炉外精炼方法、发明人:傅排先;刘宏伟;康秀红;夏立军;李殿中;李依依

6. 发明专利:通过加快底部、侧壁冷却获得低偏析大型钢锭的制造方法、发明人:桑宝光;李殿中;夏立军;康秀红;陈露贵;傅排先;李依依

7. 发明专利:一种通过机械搅拌抑制大型钢锭宏观偏析的方法、发明人:康秀红;桑宝光;夏立军;李殿中;刘宏伟;刘东戎;李依依

8. 发明专利:一种消除高强韧性马氏体不锈钢中δ铁素体的方法、发明人:王培;康秀红;李殿中;夏立军;陆善平;李依依

9. 发明专利:超超临界钢的晶粒细化方法、发明人:胡小强;罗兴宏;康秀红;夏立军;李殿中

10. 发明专利:一种超超临界钢的正火热处理工艺、发明人:胡小强;罗兴宏;肖纳敏;李殿中;李依依

11. 发明专利:一种基于定量设置反变形量的设计铸件模型的方法、发明人:王培;肖纳敏;李殿中;李依依;彭凡;张立文;张瑞雪;马进;刘恒

12. 发明专利:大型铸钢支承辊制备工艺、发明人:李殿中;康秀红;夏立军;柯伟;李依依

13. 发明专利:铸钢支承辊整体铸造方法、发明人:李殿中;康秀红;夏立军;柯伟;李依依

14. 发明专利:大型船用曲轴曲拐弯曲锻造模具及预成形毛坯的设计方法、发明人:孙明月;陆善平;李殿中;李依依

15. 发明专利:组合式通用大型船用曲轴曲拐弯曲锻造下模及设计方法、发明人:孙明月;陆善平;李殿中;李依依

16. 发明专利:一种船用曲轴红套过盈量的设计方法、发明人:孙明月;陆善平;李殿中;李依依;于迎记;王树强;邵龙成

17. 发明专利:大型船用曲轴曲拐弯锻精整装置及使用方法、 发明人:孙明月;陆善平;李殿中;李依依

18. 发明专利:一种大型钢锭WHF和FM法拔长工艺、发明人:李世键;孙明月;李殿中

19. 发明专利:一种可视化铸造方法、发明人:李殿中;康秀红;夏立军;李依依

20. 发明专利:锥形筒体锻件形成过程中间坯和预制坯的设计方法、发明人:孙明月;李世键;陆善平;李殿中;李依依;孙嫘;孙海燕;程巩固;刘志颖;刘晓光[2]

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