

中文名 刘少军
出生地 湖南长沙
出生日期 1962年7月


1986年从湖南师范大学本科毕业。 1989年获湖南师范大学硕士学位。 1989年参加工作任教于 湖南师范大学生命科学学院。 1998年至1999年由国家留学基金委公派到法国从事鱼类分子生物学工作后归国工作。 2000年获得中山大学博士学位。






湖南省“芙蓉学者”特聘教授,中国水产学会理事,中国海洋湖沼学会理事,湖南省水产学会副理事长,中国水产学会生物技术专业委员会副主任委员,湖南省水产品种审定委员会副主任委员;现任湖南鱼类遗传育种中心主任,蛋白质组学与发育生物学省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地主任,蛋白质化学及鱼类发育生物学教育部重点实验室主任,教育部“多倍体鱼繁殖及育种”工程研究中心主任,湖南省“生物发育工程及新产品研发协同创新中心”主任,湖南省生物研究所所长,Frontiers in Livestock Genomics、《动物学研究》、《水产学报》、《中国水产科学》、《内陆水产》、《生命科学研究》等刊物的编委会委员;湖南师范大学学术委员会委员,国家自然科学基金委员会第十二届、第十三届专家评审组成员。



以第一完成人 (2011年) 及第四完成人 (2003年) 两次获国家科技进步二等奖;领衔“淡水鱼类发育生物学团队”获“全国专业技术人才先进集体”称号(2014年);以第一完成人获湖南省科技进步一等奖(2008年);以第一完成人获得国家发明专利19项;多次参加国际性学术会议并作会议学术报告;主持培养毕业了17名博士生和41名硕士生,2名出站博士后,培养了一大批本科生;主持了国家杰出青年科学基金,国家“973”计划课题,国家“863”计划子课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目(3项)、国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部农业成果转化基金等20多项国家及省部级课题。




撰写的专著《鱼类远缘杂交》获得国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助并由科学出版社出版; 以第一作者或通讯作者的110多篇学术论文发表于Genetics、Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology、Biology of Reproduction、Heredity、Current Molecular Medicine、Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、PLoS ONE、Cell and Tissue Research、Amino Acids、Marine Biotechnology、General and Comparative Endocrinology、International Journal of Biological Sciences、BMC Genetics、Aquaculture、Journal of Molecular Evolution、Journal of Experimental Zoology (Part B)、Animal Reproduction Science、《中国科学》、《科学通报》等刊物上,其中SCI论文75篇。

远缘杂交是指种间、属间乃至亲缘关系更远的生物类型个体之间的杂交。远缘杂交可以使不同物种的基因组组合在一起, 导致杂交后代的表现型和基因型都发生改变。通过远缘杂交形成遗传变异且两性可育的二倍体和四倍体鱼品系,在生物演化和鱼类遗传育种方面具有重要意义。自然界中为什么会存在形形色色的32000种鱼类?他们的形成是否与杂交和多倍体化有关?这是值得研究的科学问题。远缘杂交品系的创建将提供遗传背景清楚的有利于研究品系世代遗传变异特性和生殖发育特性的模型。在遗传育种方面,利用远缘杂交形成的四倍体鱼和二倍体鱼品系可用来大规模制备优良的三倍体鱼和二倍体鱼。






2.Shaojun Liu*, Qinbo Qin, Jun Xiao, Wenting Lu, Jiamin Shen, Wei Li, Jifang Liu, Wei Duan, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Rurong Zhao, Jinpeng Yan, Yun Liu. The formation of the polyploid hybrids from different subfamily fish crossing and its evolutionary significance. Genetics, 2007,176(2): 1023-1034

3.Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu*and Yun Liu. Evidence for Recombination of Mitochondrial DNA in Triploid Crucian Carp. Genetics, 2006,172(3): 1475-1479

4.Qinbo Qin, YudeWang, Juan Wang, Jing Dai, Jun Xiao, Fangzhou Hu, Kaikun Luo, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu*. The autotetraploid fish derived from hybridization of Carassius auratus red var. (♀) × Megalobrama amblycephala(♂).Biology of Reproduction, 2014, 91(4): 93, 1–11

5.Kang Xu, Ming Wen, Wei Duan, Li Ren, Fangzhou Hu, Jun Xiao, Jing Wang, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Jun,Wang, Yi Zhou, Yi Zhang, Yun Liu, and Shaojun Liu*. Comparative Analysis of Testis Transcriptomes from Triploid and Fertile DiploidCyprinid Fish. Biology of Reproduction, 2015,accepted, in press

6.Jun Wang, Lihai Ye, Qizhi Liu, Liangyue Peng, Wei Liu, Xinguo Yi, Yude Wang, Jun Xiao, Kang Xu, Fangzhou Hu, Li Ren, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu,Yunhan Hong, Shaojun Liu*. Rapid Genomic DNA Changes in Allotetraploid Fish Hybrids. Heredity, 2015,accepted, in press

7.Yi Zhou, Huan Zhong, Shaojun Liu*, Fan Yu, Jie Hu, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Yun Liu. Elevated expression of Piwi and piRNAs in ovaries of triploid crucian carp. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,2014, 383(1-2): 1-9

8.Kaikun Luo, Jun Xiao, Shaojun Liu*, Jing Wang, Weiguo He, Jie Hu, Qinbo Qin, Chun Zhang, Min Tao and Yun Liu. Massive Production of All-female Diploids and Triploids in the Crucian Carp. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2011, 7(4):487-495

9.Jun Xiao, Can Song, Shaojun Liu*, Min Tao, Jie Hu, Jun Wang, Wei Liu, Ming Zeng, Yun Liu. DNA methylation analysis of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(2): e56409

10.Weiguo He, Qinbo Qin, Shaojun Liu*, Tangluo Li, Jing Wang, Jun Xiao, Lihua Xie, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu.Organization and Variation Analysis of 5S rDNA in Different Ploidy-level Hybrids of Red Crucian Carp × Topmouth Culter. PLoS ONE, 2012(6): e38976

11.Zhen Liu, Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu*, Huan Zhong and Chun Zhang, Xuewei kang. Yun Liu. Characterization and dietary regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase in different ploidy fishes. Amino Acids, 2012, 43:2339–2348

12.Cuiping You, Rurong Zhao, Jie Hu, Shaojun Liu*, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yubao Chen, Qinbo Qin, Jun Xiao, Wei Duan and Yun Liu.Inheritance of the Complete Mitochondrial Genomes in Three Different Ploidy Fishes. Current Molecular Medicine, 2014, 14(10): 1322 - 1330

13.Liangyue Peng, JunWang, Min Tao, Cuiping You, Lihai Ye, Jun Xiao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu and Shaojun Liu*. Analysis of Mitochondrial Respiratory-Related Genes Reveals Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Cooperation in Allotetraploid Hybrid. Current Molecular Medicine, 2014, 14(10): 1314 - 1321

14.Jun Wang, Liangyue Peng, Cuiping You, Qinlin Li, Ming Wen, Shaojun Liu* and Yunhan Hong*. Minifish mtDNA has Abundance of Repeat Sequences and Inefficient Replication in Vitro. Current Molecular Medicine, 2014, 14(10): 1299 - 1307

15.Min Tao, Cuiping You, Rurong Zhao, Shaojun Liu*, Zhuohui Zhang, Chun Zhang and Yun Liu. Animal Mitochondria: Evolution, Function, and Disease. Current Molecular Medicine, 2014, 14(1): 115-124

16.Yu Long, Min Tao, Shaojun Liu*, Huan Zhong, Lin Chen, Suifei Tao, Yun Liu. Differential expression of Gnrh2, Gthβ and Gthr gene in sterile triploids and fertile tetraploids. Cell and Tissue Research, 2009, 338:151-159

17.Wenting Lu, Shaojun Liu*,Yu Long, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Jing Wang, Jun Xiao, Song Chen, Jinhui Liu, & Yun Liu. Comparative study of erythrocytes of polyploid hybrids from various fish subfamily crossings. Cell and Tissue Research, 2009, 336:159-163

18.Hong Zhang, Shaojun Liu*, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Liangyue Peng, Cuiping You, Jun Xiao, Yi Zhou, Gongjian Zhou, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. Induced gynogenesis in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) using irradiated sperm of allotetraploid hybrids. Marine Biotechnology, 2011, 13(5):1017-1026

19.Shaojun Liu*, Qinbo Qin, Yuequn Wang, Hong Zhang, Rurong Zhao, Chun Zhang, Jing Wang, Wei Li,Lin Chen, Jun Xiao, Kaikun Luo, Min Tao, Wei Duan, Yun Liu. Evidence for the Formation of the Male Gynogenetic Fish. Marine Biotechnology, 2010, 12:160–172

20.Dong Liu, Shaojun Liu*, Cuiping You, Lin Chen, Zhen Liu, Liangguo Liu, Yun Liu. Identification and Expression Analysis of Genes Involved in Early Ovary Development in Diploid Gynogenetic Hybrids of Red Crucian Carp × Common Carp. Marine Biotechnology, 2010,12:186–194

21.Jifang Liu, Shaojun Liu*, Min Tao, Wei Li, Yun Liu. Isolation and Expression Analysis of Testicular Type Sox9b in Allotetraploid Fish. Marine Biotechnology, 2007, 9(3): 329-334

22.Yi Zhou, Fenghua Wang,Shaojun Liu*, Huan Zhong, Zhen Liu, Tao Min, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu. Human chorionic gonadotropin suppresses expression of piwis in common carp (cyprinus carpio) ovaries.General and Comparative Endocrinology,2012,176:126–131

23.Huan Zhong, Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu*, Min Tao, Yu Long, Zhen Liu, Chun Zhang, Wei Duan, Jie Hu, Can Song, Yun Liu. Elevated expressions of GH/IGF axis genes in triploid crucian carp. General and Comparative Endocrinology,2012,178: 291-300

24.Qinbo Qin, Yude Wang, Juan Wang, Jing Dai, Yun Liu and Shaojun Liu*. The abnormal chromosome behavior during meiosis was revealed in allotetraploid of Carassius auratus red var. (♀) × Megalobrama amblycephala (♂). BMC genetics, 2014, 15:95

25.Jing Wang, Shaojun Liu*, Jun Xiao, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo and Yun Liu. Evidence for the evolutionary origin of goldfish derived from the distant crossing of red crucian carp × common carp. BMC Genetics, 2014, 15:33

26.Weiguo He, Lihua Xie, Tangluo Li, Shaojun Liu*, Jun Xiao, Jie Hu, Jing Wang, Qinbo Qin and Yun Liu. The formation of diploid and triploid hybrids of female grass carp × male blunt snout bream and their 5S rDNA analysis. BMC Genetics, 2013,14:110

27.Jun Xiao, Tuomi Zou, Yubao Chen, Lin Chen, Shaojun Liu*, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Rurong Zhao, Yi Zhou,Yu Long, Cuiping You, Jinpeng Yan, Yun Liu. Coexistence of diploid, triploid and tetraploid crucian carp (Carassius auratus) in natural waters. BMC Genetics, 2011,12:20

28.Jie Hu, Shaojun Liu*,Jun Xiao, Yi Zhou, Cuiping You, Weiguo He, Rurong Zhao, Can Song, Yun Liu. Characteristics of diploid and triploid hybrids derived from female Megalobrama amblycephala Yih×male Xenocypris davidi Bleeker. Aquaculture, 2012, 364-365: 157-164

29.Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Shaojun Liu*, Wei Duan, Yun Liu. Induced interspecific androgenesis using diploid sperm from allotetraploid common carp ×red crucian carp hybrids. Aquaculture, 2007, 264(1-4): 47-53

30.Jinpeng Yan, Shaojun Liu*, Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. RAPD and microsatellite analysis of diploid gynogens from allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp (Carassius auratus) ×common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture, 2005, 243(1-4): 49-60

31.Shaojun Liu*, Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. Production of gynogenetic progeny from allotetraploid hybrids red crucian carp × common carp. Aquaculture, 2004, 236(1-4): 193-200

32.Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu*, Yun Liu. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region in cyprinids with different ploidy level. Aquaculture, 2003,124:25-38

33.Shaojun Liu*, Yun Liu, Gongjiang Zhou, Xuanjie Zhang ,Chen Luo , Hao Feng , Xiaoxiao He, Guihua Zhu, Hui Yang. The formation of tetraploid stocks of red crucian carp ×common carp hybrids as an effect of interspecic hybridization. Aquaculture, 2001,192:171-186

34.Zhen Liu , Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu*, Qiong Zhao, Junchang Feng, Shuangqing Lu, Gang Xiong, Dizhi Xie, Jianshe Zhang, Yun Liu. Characterization and dietary regulation of oligopeptide transporter (PepT1) in different ploidy fishes. Peptides, 2014,52: 149-156

35.Li Ren, Xingjun Tan, Yafen Xiong, Kang Xu, Yi Zhou, Huan Zhong, Yun Liu, Yunhan Hong*, Shaojun Liu*. Transcriptome analysis reveals positive selection on the divergent between topmouth culter and zebrafish.Gene, 2014, 552:265-271

36.Qinbo Qin, Weiguo He, Shaojun Liu*, Jing Wang, Jun Xiao, and Yun Liu. Analysis of 5S rDNA Organization and Variation in Polyploid Hybrids from Crosses of Different Fish Subfamilies. J. Exp. Zool. (Part B: Mol. Dev. Evol.), 2010, 314:403–411

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