云居寺在北京市房山县白带山.始建于唐贞观五年(631),抗日战争时期被毁,现仅存塔10余座,以7座唐代小石塔最为珍贵.紧靠云居寺的北面,有小石塔4座,分别建于唐景云二年(71)、唐太极元年(712)、唐开元十年(72)、唐开元十五年(737),都是施主为作功德而建.四塔均用石板雕成,形制大致相同,高近三米,平面呈方形,上有七层叠涩的密檐.底层塔身较高,正面辟矩形门,上雕饰尖拱券,两侧雕护法天王、力士像.龛内石壁浮雕一佛二菩萨.开元十年塔尺度稍大,龛内侧壁还有线刻供养人像.塔顶置石刻受花、宝珠、塔刹.寺北石经山顶有方形九层石塔和单层石塔各一座.九层塔为唐开元九年刘玄望造,刻有工匠张策等人姓名.又有开元二十八年题记,记唐玄宗之妹金仙公主捐赠刻经之事.九层塔的形制如前述四座小石塔.单层塔为攒尖顶,仿木构形式,塔身由四块石板合成,正面阙门,雕饰悉如前制,塔上有唐乾宁五年(893)的题记.寺附近另有单层唐石塔一座,平面呈方形,塔顶仿木构重檐四注顶,上置塔刹,正面辟佛龛等也如前制.现塔刹已颓毁,塔身迁至附近保存. Yunju Si in Beijing Fangshan County, leucorrhea Hill. Was built in Tang Dynasty, five years (631), Sino-Japanese War were destroyed, is now the only remaining tower of more than 10 seats, with seven in the Tang Dynasty stone pagodas of the most precious little. Kumoi close Temple to the north, a small stone pagoda 4, respectively, built in the Tang Jingyun two years (71), Tang Tai Chi first year (712), Tang Kaiyuan ten (72), Tang Kaiyuan fifteen years (737) are donor to make merit built. four towers are carved with stone, roughly the same shape, nearly three meters high, flat square shape and have a seven-layered Shibuya of Miyan. the bottom of a high tower, positive provision of rectangular door, on the carving pointed arch, carved on both sides of law-enforcement kings, wrestlers like. Kannei Cliff relief a central Buddha and two Bodhisattvas. Kaiyuan Tower decade larger scale, there are lines carved wall support Kannei portraits. tower stone set by flowers, Sarah, Tasha. Temple North The Peak has a square nine-story stone pagoda and stone pagoda of a monolayer. nine-story tower for the nine-Tang Kaiyuan Wang Xuan-made, engraved with the names of craftsmen Zhang Ce, and others. Kaiyuan twenty-eight years have question in mind, remember Xuanzong of Mei Jin-xian Princess by donors engraved on the matter. nine-story tower shape, such as the aforementioned four small stone pagodas. monolayer Tajikistan Cuanjian Ding, vinyl structure form, the stone tower from the four synthetic, positive Que door, carving noted such as the former system of tower on Ning Tang dry five years (893) of the title in mind. Tang Temple pagoda in the vicinity otherwise a single-layer, flat square shape and structure tower vinyl double eaves and note the top four, on the home Tasha, positive provision of shrines, also as previously system. now Tasha has been obsolescence, moved to the vicinity of the tower to save.