英文原名:Jason Mewes
《 Netherbeast Incorporated 》 (2007) ...Waxy Dan
《 Repo 》 (2007) ...T.J.
《无事生非2/疯狂店员2Clerks II 》 (2006) ...Jay
《 Jack's Law 》 (2006) ...Bobby Mewes
《 Scarface: The World Is Yours 》 (2006) ...(voice)
《 Bottoms Up 》 (2006) ...Owen Peadman
《 TV: The Movie 》 (2006) ...
《 The Tripper 》 (2006) ...Joey
《盛宴/人兽战 Feast 》 (2005) ...Himself
《 The Green Hornet 》 (2005) ...
《 Tom 51 》 (2005) ...
《 "I Love the '90s: Part Deux" 》 (2005) ...Himself/Jay
《 High Hopes 》(2005) ...Quebert
《 The Pleasure Drivers 》 (2005) ...Counter Monkey
《 My Big Fat Independent Movie 》 (2005) ...Answering Machine (voice)
《 "Project Greenlight 3" 》 (2005) ...Himself
《 Playing Clandestine 》 (2004) ...(original song)
《 Rock Bottom: From Hell to Redemption 》 (2004) ...Himself
《 "Ultimate Film Fanatic" 》 (2004) ...Himself (Special Guest)
《 Oh, What a Lovely Tea Party 》(2004) ...Himself
《 "I Love the '90s" 》 (2004) ...Himself/Jay
《 Powder: Up Here 》 (2004) ...Evil Villain
《波利死后 Pauly Shore Is Dead 》 (2003) ...Himself
《 An Evening with Kevin Smith 》 (2002) ...Himself
《 An Evening with Kevin Smith 》 (2002) ...special thanks
《 R.S.V.P. 》 (2002) ...Terry
《 "Heroes of Black Comedy" 》 (2002) ...(archive footage)
《 Hot Rush 》(2002) ...
《 High Times Potluck 》 (2002) ...Guy
《杰伊与鲍伯的回击 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back 》 (2001) ...Jay
《 Judge Not: In Defense of Dogma 》 (2001) ...Himself (Interviewee)
《 Reel Comedy: Jay and Silent Bob 》 (2001) ...Himself
《惊声尖叫III/夺命狂呼3 Scream 3 》 (2000) ...Jay
《 Chasing Kevin 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 Vulgar 》(2000) ...Tuott the Basehead
《 "Clerks" 》 (2000) ...Jay (6 episodes, 2000-2001)
《 Lucy You Love It 》 (2000) ...Jay
《怒犯天条 Dogma 》 (1999) ...Jay
《狂野速度 Tail Lights Fade 》 (1999) ...(uncredited)
《 Spilt Milk 》 (1999) ...
《 The Blair Clown Project 》 (1999) ...Witness #3
《 View Askew's Look Back at Mallrats 》 (1999) ...Himself
《猜·情·寻 Chasing Amy 》 (1997) ...Jay
《爱,上了瘾 Drawing Flies 》 (1996) ...Az
《耍酷一族 Mallrats 》 (1995) ...Jay
《无事生非/疯狂店员 Clerks. 》 (1994) ...Jay
《无事生非/疯狂店员 Clerks. 》 (1994) ...special thanks