

中文名 陈晓宏
出生日期 1963年10月
毕业院校 武汉水利电力大学











  1. 陈晓宏等,气候变化的水文水资源效应研究进展,气候变化研究快报, 2012, 1, 96-105.

2.李艳, 陈晓宏. 人类活动对北江流域径流系列变化的影响初探,自然资源学报,21(6), 2006.

3.陈晓宏, 刘德地. 降雨空间分布模式识别,水利学报,37(6), 2006.

4.刘德地, 陈晓宏. 咸潮影响区的水资源优化配置研究,水利学报,38(9), 2007.

5.刘丙军, 陈晓宏. 中国南方季节性缺水地区水资源合理配置研究,水利学报,38(6), 2007.

6.谢平, 陈晓宏. 东江流域实际蒸发量与蒸发皿蒸发量的对比分析,地理学报,64(2), 2009.

7.汪丽娜, 陈晓宏. 基于人工蚁群算法和模糊C_均值聚类的洪水分类方法,水利学报,40(6), 2009.

8.刘德地, 陈晓宏. 基于云模型的降雨时空分布特性分析,水利学报,40(7), 2009.

9.刘丙军, 陈晓宏. 基于协同学原理的流域水资源合理配置模型和方法,水利学报,40(1), 2009.

10.陈晓宏, 李艳等. 水文要素变异的人类活动影响研究进展,地球科学进展, 25(8), 800-811, 2010.

11.Ping Guo, Xiaohong Chen*, 2012. An optimization model for a crop deficit irrigation system under uncertainty.Engineering Optimization,

12.Qiang Zhang, Mingzhong Xiao, Vijay P. Singh, Xiaohong Chen, 2012. Copula-based risk evaluation of droughts across the Pearl River basin, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, in press.

13.Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Chong-Yu Xu and Xiaohong Chen, 2012. Abrupt behaviours of streamflow and sediment load variations of the Yangtze River basin, China. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9278.

14.Qiang Zhang, Peng Sun, Vijay P. Singh, Xiaohong Chen, 2012. Spatial-temporal precipitation changes (1956-2000) and their implications for agriculture in China. Global and Planetary Change, (82-83), 86-95.

15.Qiang Zhang, Chong-Yu Xu, Xiaohong Chen, Xixi Lu, 2012. Abrupt changes in the discharge and sediment load of the Pearl River, China. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8269.

16.Qiang Zhang, Yu Zhou, Vijay P. Singh, Xiaohong Chen, 2012. The Influence of dam and lakes on the Yangtze River streamflow: Long-range correlation and complexity analyses. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8148.

17.Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, and Xiaohong Chen, 2012. Influence of Three Gorges Dam on streamflow and sediment load of the middle Yangtze River, China. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, DOI.

18.Yongqin David Chen, Qiang Zhang*, Xiaohong Chen, Ping Wang, 2012. Multiscale variability of streamflow changes in the Pearl River basin, China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, DOI 10.1007.

19. Yu Zhou, Qiang Zhang*, Kun Li, Xiaohong Chen, 2012. Hydrological effects of water reservoirs on hydrological processes: complexity evaluations based on the multi-scale entropy analysis. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002.

20.Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Jianfeng Li, Xiaohong Chen, 2011. Analysis of the periods of maximum consecutive wet days in China. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116, D23106, doi:10.1029.

21.Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Yongqin David Chen, Xiaohong Chen, 2011. Observed changes of temperature extremes during 1960-2005 in China: natural or human-induced variations? Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106 (3-4), 417-431.

22.Qiang Zhang, Peng Sun, Xiaohong Chen, Tao Jiang, 2011. Hydrological extremes in the Poyang Lake basin, China: changing properties, causes and impacts. Hydrological Processes, 25, 3121-3130.

23.Qiang Zhang, Yongqin David Chen, Xiaohong Chen, Jianfeng Li, 2011. Copula-based analysis of hydrological extremes and implications of hydrological behaviors in the Pearl River basin, China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(7), 598-607.

24.Qiang Zhang, Peng Sun, Tao Jiang, Xinjun Tu, Xiaohong Chen, 2011. Spatio-temporal patterns of hydrological processes and their hydrological responses to human activities in the Poyang Lake basin, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(2), 305-318.

25.Qiang Zhang, Chong-Yu Xu, Xiaohong Chen, 2011. Reference evapotranspiration changes in China: natural processes or human influences? Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 103, 479-488.


26.Qiang Zhang, Chong-Yu Xu, Xiaohong Chen, Zengxin Zhang, 2011. Statistical behaviors of precipitation regimes in China and their links with atmospheric circulation. 1960-2005. International Journal of Climatology, 31, 1665-1678.

27.Kairong Lin, Qiang Zhang*, Xiaohong Chen, 2010. An evaluation of impacts of DEM resolution and parameter correlation on TOPMODEL modeling uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 394, 370-383.

28. Li-Na Wang, Quan-Xi Shao, Xiao-Hong Chen*, 2011. Flood changes during the past 50 years in Wujiang River, South China. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8451.

29.Dedi Liu, Shenglian Guo, Xiaohong Chen, Quanxi Shao, Qihua Ran, Xingyuan Song and Zhaoli Wang, 2011. A macro-evolutionary multi-objective immune algorithm with application to optimal allocation of water resources in Dongjiang River basins, South China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI: 10. 100.

30.Dedi Liu, Xiaohong Chen, Yanqing Lian, Zhanghua Lou (2010). Impacts of climate change and human activities on surface runoff in the Dongjiang River basin of China.Hydrological Processes, 24(6).

31.Dedi Liu, Xiaohong Chen, Zhanghua Lou (2010). A Model for the Optimal Allocation of Water Resources in a Salt water Intrusion Area: A Case Study in Pearl River Delta in China. Water Resour Manage, 24(1), 63-81.

32.Qiang Zhang, Tao Jiang, Yongqin David Chen, Xiaohong Chen (2010). Changing properties of hydrological extremes in south China: natural variations or human influences? Hydrological Processes, 24, 1421–1432.

33.Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino, Jun Xia, Xiaohong Chen (2009). Runoff reduction by forest growth in Hiji River basin, Japan. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 54(3).

34.Zhihe Chen, Xiaohong Chen, Tao Peng, Kairong Lin (2009). Preliminary study on estuarine ecosystem health evaluation in Zhangweixin River. IAHS Publ., 335:282-290.

35.Kairong Lin, Xiaohong Chen, Qiang Zhang, Zhihe Chen (2009). A modified generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation method by using Copula function. IAHS Publ., 335:51-56.

36.Chen Xiaohong et al. (Editors, 2008). Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian Developing World. IAHS Publ., 319: 424.

37.Xiaohong Chen & Dedi Liu. (2008). Wavelet analysis on inter-annual variation of precipitation in Guangdong, China. IAHS Publ., 319:3-10.

38.Xiaohong Chen et al (2008). Modeling of cadmium transportation under its accident release in river network of pearl river delta, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 52:3-12.

39.Yongqin David Chen, Qiang Zhang, Chong-yu Xu, Tao Yang, Xiaohong Chen, Tao Jiang (2008). Change-point alterations of extreme water levels and underlying causes in the Pearl River Delta, china. River Research and Applications, 24: 1-17.

40.Tao Jiang, Yongqin Chen, Chong-yu Xu, Xiaohong Chen, Singh Vijay P., Xi Chen (2007). Comparison of hydrological impacts of climate change simulated by six hydrological models in the Dongjiang Basin, South China. Journal of Hydrology, 336:316-333.

41.Yongqin David Chen, Qiang Zhang, Tao Yang, Chong-yu Xu, Xiaohong Chen, Tao Jiang (2007). Behaviors of extreme water level in the Pearl River Delta and possible impacts from human activities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 4:1-27.

42.Xiaohong Chen & Dedi Liu. (2007). Spatial distribution and temporal variation of rainfall in Guangdong Province, China. Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 311:491-497.

43.Zufa Liu, Tao Jiang, Xiaohong Chen, Xiaodan Chen, Haixia Yu, Jun Chen (2007). Investigation of groundwater pollution and prevention measures in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 311:352-357.

44.Tao Jiang, Zufa Liu, Xiaohong Chen, Yang Yang, Zhaoli Wang (2007). Utilization of unconventional water resources in Guangdong Province: problems and prospects. Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 311:418-423.

45.Xiaohong Chen, Yongqin Chen & Guoyou Lai (2006). Optimal Allocation of Water Resources in Guangzhou City, South China. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A, 41(7).

46.Xiaohong Chen, Yongqin Chen & Guoyou Lai (2005). Modeling transportation of suspended solids in Zhujiang River estuary, South China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 23(1):1-10.

47.Xiaohong Chen & Yongqin Chen. (2004). Human-induced hydrological changes in the river network of the Pearl River Delta, South China. GIS and Remote sensing in hydrology, water resources & environment. IAHS Publ., 289:197-205.

48.Xiaohong Chen & A J Brimicomb. (2000). A three-dimensional model for the transportation of heavy metals in Arha Reservoir, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 12(2):161-171.

49.Xiaohong Chen, A J Brimicomb & Rongxuan Hu. (1999). Forecasting of flood and sediment by an improved diffusive time-variant model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 44(4):583-595.

50.Xiaohong Chen & A J Brimicomb. (1998). Enhancement of three-dimensional reservoir quality modelling by GIS, Geographical and Environmental Modelling, 2(2):125-139.[1]


51.陈晓宏等,2001. 区域水资源原理。福建省福州市:福建省地图出版社

52.陈晓宏等,2007. 水环境评价与规划。北京:中国水利水电出版社

53.陈晓宏等,2011. 湿润区变化环境下的水资源优化配置。北京:中国水利水电出版社

54.陈晓宏等,2011. 城市水务体系建设规划。北京:科学出版社


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