

中文名 不全变态
名称 不全变态
发育过程 卵幼期成虫


不全变态不全变态又称直接变态.昆虫的一种变态类型,发育过程只经过卵、幼期和成虫3个虫期.幼期和成虫的外部特征基本相同,仅翅和外生殖器未完全发育.初孵幼体通常见不到翅,随生长、蜕皮,向外生长的翅芽逐步显露和增大.不全变态的昆虫如直翅目、脩目、螳螂目、虫非虫廉目、革翅目、等翅目、啮虫目、纺足目、半翅目、同翅目、食毛目、虱目、缨翅目等,幼期和成虫的栖息场所、食性相同,称为若虫,此类变态又称渐变态.蜻蜓目、襀翅目昆虫的幼期生活于水中,出现某种“暂时性构造”如气管鳃或特化的下唇,外形和成虫不同,称为稚虫,此类变态又称半变态.缨翅目及少数同翅目昆虫的若虫在转变到成虫之前,经过一个不食少动,类似蛹的时期,但若虫仍具有外生翅芽,此类变态又称过渐变态.参 考 资 料1 不全变态-基本资料 不全变态 hemimetaboly,incomplete meta-morphosis   与完全变态和无变态共为昆虫变态的一种形式。从幼时起,翅和外生殖器的原基已经在外部显现,通过各次脱皮而逐步发展成成虫态.因不存在完全变态那样的特殊的蛹期。原始的昆虫(蜉蝣目、襀翅目、蜻蜒目、纺足目、直翅目、革翅目、蠊目、等翅目、缺翅目、啮虫目、虱目、食毛目、缨翅目、半翅目等)都属于这种变态,而这些昆虫总称为不全变态类(Hemimetabola).不全变态类幼期的翅、足、外生殖器等的原基都是以外部型的成虫原基而存在的,因此,与全变态类的内翅类不同而称为外翅类。除此以外,从许多方面来看不全变态类的幼期,特别是若虫,与全变态类的幼虫有很大区别。若虫体躯结构和生活与成虫很相似,在羽化时,若虫内部组织的重新形成过程是相当激烈的,决不象外部变化那样的渐进过程。不全变态可以分成三类,例如在成虫脱皮方面类似无变态的前变态,被看成是不全变态的典型的惭变态(将该词heterometaboly多数译为不全变态),表现向全变态演变的新变态等三种变态,各自显出各种不同的方式。无变态虽然也有的包括在不全变态中,但终生都不生翅膀这一点,应首先作为区别的特征。 不全变态-相关链接 不全变态 异变态 茧蜂科 昆虫病 跗节 相 关 词 条:不全变态 |茧蜂科 |昆虫病 |跗节 |蜕裂线 |蛹 |复眼昆虫 |阴虱病 |变态 |Also known as the direct metamorphosis. Insect metamorphosis as a type of developmental process only through the eggs, larvae and adult worms period of 3 months. Larvae and adults of the same external characteristics, only wings and external genitalia is not fully developed. Newly hatched larvae are usually did not see a fin, with the growth, molting, and external growth of the progressive wing of exposure and increased bud. incomplete metamorphosis of insects such as Orthoptera, repair mesh, Mantodea, insect non-insect-lian orders, Dermaptera, Isoptera , Psocoptera, spinning Amphipoda, Hemiptera, Homoptera, food and hair eyes, milkfish, Thysanoptera and so on, larvae and adult habitat, diet the same, known as nymphs, also known as becoming such a metamorphosis metamorphosis. Odonata, Ji Orthoptera insects larvae live in water, there some kind of "temporary structure" tracheal gills or specialized, such as the lower lip, a different shape and adults, called nymphs, also known as half of such a metamorphosis metamorphosis. Thysanoptera and a few Homoptera insect nymph to adult in the transition until the do not eat less after a move, similar to the pupal period, but still has the exogenous nymph wing buds, such metamorphosis before becoming known as metamorphosis. Reference information on an incomplete metamorphosis - the basic information incomplete metamorphosis hemimetaboly, incomplete meta-morphosis and complete metamorphosis and no abnormal for a total of a form of insect metamorphosis. From childhood on, wings and external genitalia primordia my colleague in the external appear, through the gradual development of various peeling into the adult state. There is no complete metamorphosis as a result of the special pupal stage. Primitive insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera Ji, Dragonfly head, spinning Amphipoda, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, cockroach mesh, Isoptera, lack of Orthoptera, Psocoptera, milk, food and hair eyes, Ying Orthoptera, Hemiptera, etc.) are of this metamorphosis, which are collectively known as incomplete metamorphosis insects Class (Hemimetabola). Incomplete metamorphosis period class young wings, feet, genitalia, etc., are based on the external-type primordia primordia adults exist, therefore, with the whole class within the abnormal wing known as the outer wings of different kinds and classes. In addition, in many respects incomplete metamorphosis of the young class period, particularly nymphs, and the whole metamorphosis of the larvae is very different classes. Nymph soma structures and living with the adult is very similar to the emergence, the nymphs of the internal organization of the re-formation process is quite intense, and never as a gradual process as external changes. Incomplete metamorphosis can be divided into three categories, for example, peeling ways similar to non-adult metamorphosis before the metamorphosis, was seen as a typical ashamed incomplete metamorphosis metamorphosis (the majority of the word translated as incomplete metamorphosis heterometaboly), showing the evolution of new to the whole metamorphosis metamorphosis and other three kinds of abnormal, each showing a variety of ways. No metamorphosis although some included in the incomplete metamorphosis, but life will not grow wings, this should be first as a distinction between features. Incomplete metamorphosis - Related Links metamorphosis incomplete metamorphosis vary Braconidae kokoun echinococcosis tarsus Related term: incomplete metamorphosis | Braconidae | Insect Disease | tarsus | slough crack-line | chrysalis | insect compound eye | pubis Disease | abnormal |

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