

中文名 瓦西里·伊万诺维奇·苏里科夫
职业 历史画画家
外文名 ВасилийИвановичСуриков
逝世日期 1916年3月19日
主要成就 俄国历史画巨匠
别名 苏里柯夫


(1848—1916)俄国画家, 巡回展览画派成员之一.生于古老的 哥萨克家庭.中年入 彼得堡美术学院学习,毕业时,获得一级艺术家称号.181年加入巡回展览画派.创作多取材于历史事件,反映现实生活错综复杂矛盾和人民在历史进展过程中的 苦难以及人民坚强品格.善于处理庞大的群众场面和刻画人物性格,以及赋予每幅作品以自己所特有的构图和色彩变化为其特色.主要作品有《 女贵族莫洛卓娃》、《 近卫军临刑的早晨》、《攻陷雪城》等. (1848-1916) Russian painter, a member of the School of Painting exhibition. Born in the old Cossack family. Middle-aged into the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts study, graduate, get a title of .181 artists joined the School of Painting exhibition. Creation Multi-drawing on historical events, reflecting the complexity of real life conflicts and people in the history of progress in the process of suffering and people's strong character. good at handling large masses of scenes and portrayal of character, as well as works by giving each piece its own unique composition and color changes its characteristics. His major works are "female noble Mo Luozhuo Doll", "guards before execution of the Morning", "the fall of Syracuse" and so on.

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