出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2008年8月1日)
丛书名: 经典英文物理学教材系列
平装: 594页
正文语种: 简体中文, 英语
开本: 16
ISBN: 9787506292580
条形码: 9787506292580
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 2.8 cm
重量: 998 g
作者:(英国)斯诸哲 (Strange.P.)
《相对论量子力学》是一部介绍相对论量子理论的研究生教程,重在强调其在凝聚态物理中的重要应用。基本理论包括:狭义相对论,角动量和零自旋粒子;文章讨论了Dirac 方程,对称和算子以及自由粒子,黑洞和Klein矛盾也被提及,并且解决了一些模型问题;紧接着主要量子理论在凝聚态物质中的应用,单电子原子爆炸的相对理论,并将该理论发展来描述多粒子系统的量子力学,包括Hartree-Fock和密度函数法。散射理论,带结构,磁光效应和超导。书中配有不少练习题。
1 The Theory of Special Relativity
1.1 The Lorentz Transformations
1.2 Relativistic Velocities
1.3 Mass, Momentum and Energy
1.4 Four-Vectors
1.5 Relativity and Electromagnetism
1.6 The Compton Effect
1.7 Problems
2 Aspects of Angular Momentum
2.1 Various Angular Momenta
2.2 Angular Momentum and Rotations
2.3 Operators and Eigenvectors for Spin 1/2
2.4 Operators for Higher Spins
2.5 Orbital Magnetic Moments
2.6 Spin Without Relativity
2.7 Thomas Precession
2.8 The Pauli Equation in a Central Potential
2.9 Dirac Notation
2.10 Clebsch-Gordan and Racah Coefficients
2.11 Relativistic Quantum Numbers and Spin-Angular Functions
2.12 Energy Levels of the One-Electron Atom
2.13 Plane Wave Expansions
2.14 Problems
3 Particles of Spin Zero
3.1 The Klein-Gordon Equation
3.2 Relativistic Wavefunctions, Probabilities and Currents
3.3 The Fine Structure Constant
3.4 The Two-Component Klein-Gordon Equation
3.5 Free Klein-Gordon Particles/Antiparticles
3.6 The Klein Paradox
3.7 The Radial Klein-Gordon Equation
3.8 The Spinless Electron Atom
3.9 Problems
4 The Dirac Equation
4.1 The Origin of the Dirac Equation
4.2 The Dirac Matrices
4.3 Lorentz Invariance of the Dirac Equation
4.4 The Non-Relativistic Limit of the Dirac Equation
4.5 An Alternative Formulation of the Dirac Equation
4.6 Probabilities and Currents
4.7 Gordon Decomposition
4.8 Forces and Fields
4.9 Gauge Invariance and the Dirac Equation
4.10 Problems
5 Free PaNicles/Antiparticles
5.1 Wavefunctions, Densities and Currents
5.2 Free-Particle Solutions
5.3 Free-Particle Spin
Rotations and Spinors
A Generalized Spin Operator
5.4 Negative Energy States, Antiparticles
5.5 Classical Negative Energy Particles?
5.6 The Klein Paradox Revisited
5.7 Lorentz Transformation of the Free-Particle Wavefunction
5.8 Problems
6 Symmetries and Operators
6.1 Non-Relativistic Spin Projection Operators
6.2 Relativistic Energy and Spin Projection Operators
6.3 Charge Conjugation
6.4 "lime-Reversal Invariance
6.5 Parity
6.7 Angular Momentum Again
6.8 Non-Relativistic Limits Again
6.9 Second Quantization
6.10 Field Operators
6.11 Second Quantization in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
6.12 Problems
7 Separating Particles from Antiparticles
7.1 The Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation for a Free Particle
7.2 Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation of Operators
7.3 Zitterbewegung
7.4 Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation of the Wavefunction
7.5 The F-W Transformation in an Electromagnetic Field
7.6 Problems
8 One-Electron Atoms
8.1 The Radial Dirac Equation
8.2 Free-Electron Solutions
8.3 One-Electron Atoms, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
8.4 Behaviour of the Radial Functions
8.5 The Zeeman Effect
8.6 Magnetic Dichroism
8.7 Problems
9 Potential Problems
9.1 A Particle in a One-Dimensional Well
9.2 The Dirac Oscillator
The Non-Relativistic Limit
Solution of the Dirac Oscillator
Expectation Values and the Uncertainty Principle
9.3 Bloch's Theorem
9.4 The Relativistic Kronig-Penney Model
A One-Dimensional Time-Independent Dirac Equation
A Potential Step
A One-Dimensional Solid
9.5 An Electron in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
An Electron in a Constant Magnetic Field
An Electron in a Field for which
9.6 Non-Linear Dirac Equations, the Dirac Soliton
9.7 Problems
10 More Than One Electron
10.1 The Breit Interaction
10.2 Two Electrons
10.3 Many-Electron Wavefunctions
10.4 The Many-Electron Hamiltonian
10.5 Dirac-Hartree-Fock Integrals
Single-Particle Integrals
Two-Particle Integrals
The Direct Coulomb Integral
The Exchange Integral
10.6 The Dirac-Hartree-Fock Equations
The One-Electron Atom
The Many-Electron Atom
10.7 Koopmans' Theorem
10.8 Implementation of the Dirac-Hartree-Fock Method
10.9 Introduction to Density Functional Theory
10.10 Non-Relativistic Density Functional Theory
10.11 The Variational Principle and the Kohn-Sham Equation
10.12 Density Functional Theory and Magnetism
Density Functional Theory in a Weak Magnetic Field
Density Functional Theory in a Strong Magnetic Field
10.13 The Exchange-Correlation Energy
10.14 Relativistic Density Functional Theory (RDFT)
RDFT with an External Scalar Potential
RDFT with an External Vector Potential
The Dirac-Kohn-Sham Equation
10.15 An Approximate Relativistic Density Functional Theory
10.16 Further Development of RDFT
10.17 Relativistic Exchange-Correlation Functionals
10.18 Implementation of RDFT
11 Scattering Theory
11.1 Green's Functions
11.2 Time-Dependent Green's Functions
11.3 The T-Operator
11.4 The Relativistic Free-Particle Green's Function
11.5 The Scattered Particle Wavefunction
11.6 The Scattering Experiment
11.7 Single-Site Scattering in Zero Field
11.8 Radial Dirac Equation in a Magnetic Field
11.9 Single-Site Scattering in a Magnetic Field
11.10 The Single-Site Scattering Green's Function
11.11 Transforming Between Representations
11.12 The Scattering Path Operator
11.13 The Non-Relativistic Free Particle Green's Function
11.14 Multiple Scattering Theory
11.15 The Multiple Scattering Green's Function
11.16 The Average T-Matrix Approximation
11.17 The Calculation of Observables
The Band Structure
The Fermi Surface
The Density of States
The Charge Density
Magnetic Moments
Energetic Quantities
11.18 Magnetic Anisotropy
The Non-Relativistic Limit, the RKKY Interaction
The Orion of Anisotropy
12 Electrons and Photons
12.1 Photon Polarization and Angular Momentum
12.2 Quantizing the Electromagnetic Field
12.3 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
12.4 Photon Absorption and Emission in Condensed Matter
12.5 Magneto-Optical Effects
12.6 Photon Scattering Theory
12.7 Thomson Scattering
12.8 Rayleigh Scattering
12.9 Compton Scattering
12.10 Magnetic Scattering of X-Rays
12.11 Resonant Scattering of X-Rays
13 Superconductivity
13.1 Do Electrons Find Each Other Attractive?
13.2 Superconductivity, the Hamiltonian
13.3 The Dirac——Bogolubov-de Gennes Equation
13.4 Solution of the Dirac-Bogolubov-de Gennes Equations
13.5 Observable Properties of Superconductors
13.6 Elcctrodynamics of Superconductors
Appendix A The Uncertainty Principle
Appendix B The Confluent Hypergeometrie Function
B.1 Relations to Other Functions
Appendix C Spherical Harmonics
Appendix D Unit Systems
Appendix E Fundamental Constants
I always thought I would write a book and this is it. In the end, though, hardly wrote it at all, it evolved from my research notes, from essays I wrote for postgraduates starting work with me, and from lecture handouts I distribute to students taking the relativistic quantum mechanics option in
the Physics department at Keele University. Therefore the early chapters of this book discuss pure relativistic quantum mechanics and the later chapters discuss applications of relevance in condensed matter physics. This book, then, is written with an audience ranging from advanced students to professional researchers in mind. I wrote it because anyone aiming to do research in relativistic quantum theory applied to condensed matter has to pull together information from a wide range of sources using different conventions, notation and units, which can lead to a lot of confusion (I speak from experience). Most relativistic quantum mechanics books, it seems to me, are directed towards quantum field theory and particle physics, not condensed matter physics, and many start off at too advanced a level for present day physics graduates from a British university. Therefore, I have tried to start at a sufficiently elementary level, and have used the SI system of units throughout.