





1. 船籍证明(Certificate of Registry )用于证明船舶所属国籍。

2. 集装箱船只证明(Certificate of Container Vessel)。进口商或银行在合同/信用证中规定产品须装集装箱船并出具相应证明的,可由受益人自行制作并加盖有关签发人的印章,也可在运输单据上加以注明。

3. 船级证明(Confirmation of Class)。有的信用证规定提供英国劳合社船级证明,如“Class certificate certifying that the shipment is made by a seaworthy vessel which are classified 100 A1 issued by Lloyds or equivalent classification society”,劳合社的船级符号为LR,标记100A1,100A表明该船的船体和机械设备是依据劳氏标准和规定制造的,I表示船舶的配备如船锚、锚链和绳子等处于优越和有用的状态,对这样的要求我们常常应予以知足。国际上有名的船级社有英国劳合社、德国船级社(GL)、挪威船级社(DNV)、法国船级社(BV)、日本海事协会(NK)、美国船级社(ABS)等。

4. 船龄证明。有些国家/地域来证规定装载产品的船舶的船龄不得超越15年,受益人必需要求船代或船公司出具载货船只的船龄证明书(Certificate to evidence the ship is not over 15 years old或is under 15 years of age),这样的要求首要目的在于制止运用老龄船,维护产品运输安全。


1. 货装具备船舶证明。如信用证要求:“A certificate from the shipping company or its agent stating that goods are shipped by APL”(意思是要求出口方供应由船公司或其代理出具的货装美国总统汽船公司的证明)。

2. 航程证明(Certificate of Itinerary)。首要阐明航程中船舶停靠的口岸,一些阿拉伯国度开来的信用证中,往往要求在提单上随附声明一份,明确船籍、船名、船东及途中所经口岸次序,出口方须按要求签发此类证明并按证明中所述行驶、操作船舶。

3. 船长收据(Captain\'s Receipt)。有的信用证规定,样品或单据副本交载货船只的船主带交进口商,并供应船长收据,如托付船主带去而未获得船长收据将影响出口商收汇,经常见于近洋运输。

4. 转船证明书(Certificate of Transshipment)。出口方出具转船证明书,阐明出口产品将在半途转船且已联络好,并由托运人担任将有关转船事项告诉收货人。

此外船证还包括进港证明、运费已交收条、口岸费用单(port charges documents)、装卸准备就绪通知书(NOR)和装卸时间具体记录等,因为政治缘由,巴基斯坦和印度互不答应吊挂对方国旗的船舶泊岸,巴基斯坦口岸还不承受来自南非、韩国、以色列和中国台湾的船舶,如要求出具响应证明的,出口方必需供应。


1. 班轮公会证明(Conference Line Certificate)。信用证规定产品须装班轮公会船只时,向银行所交单据中应包含船公司或船代出具的证明。例1,信用证要求“A certificate issued by the carrier,shipping Co or their agents certifying that shipment has been effected by conference line and/or regular line vessels only covered by institute classification clause to accompany the documents. 其意思是由承运人、船公司或他们的代理签发证明,证明产品已装运在契合伦敦协会船级条目的班轮公会船只或定期船上,该船证随单据提交。例2,某信用证要求“Shipping company\'s certificate stating that the carrying vessel has entered P&I Club and should be attached with the original documents”其要求船证应明确载货船舶系船东保赔协会成员并应随附正本证明。

2. 黑名单证明。典型的是阿拉伯国度所要求的抵抗以色列证明(Certificate of Boycott Israel)。其常常规定为:The vessel carrying the goods is not Israeli and will not call on any Israeli ports while carrying the goods and that the vessel is not banned entry to the port of the Arab States for any reasons whatever under law and the laws and regulations of such Sates allowed(船上所装产品为非以色列原产,船不经停任何以色列口岸,船只可依法自由进入阿拉伯国度法律和规则所允许进出的口岸)。

3. SMC、DOC和SOLAS。这几个缩略语近年来经常出现在信用证的要求中,SMC(Safety Management Certificate 船舶安全管理证书)和DOC(Document of Compliance安全符合证书,也有人称其为船/港保安符合证书)是按照国际安全管理规则(ISM)的规定载货船舶应在船上拥有的必要证书。我国海事局按ISM的规章发给船公司DOC,船舶则可获SMC,如船公司没有相应证书,那么就不能按信用证要求来出具此类证明。信用证中的一般要求是:“The carrying vessel should comply with the provisions of the (ISM) Code which necessiates that such vessel must have on board, copies of the two (SMC and DOC)valid Certificates and copies of such certificate must be presented with the original documents.”也可体现为“Certificate issued,signed and stamped by the owner/carrier/ master of the carrying vessel holds valid ISM certificate and ISPS (International Shipping And Port Security Safety Code《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》)”;SOLAS指的是《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(简称SOLAS公约)。“9·11”事件后国际海事组织于2002年12月召开缔约国大会通过对SOLAS公约的修正案,并在2004年7月1日起开始实施。按上面有关规定,船舶应持有“安全管理证书”正本,其船名与国籍证书一致,所载公司名称与“符合证明”中的公司名称相一致。


1. 某信用证中要求:Certificate from the shipping agents issued at the port of shipment stating that cargo and/or interests are carried by a mechanically self propelled seaworthy vessel classified under Lloyd\'s register of shipping as 100A1 or equivalent provided such vessels are not over fifteen years of age or over fifteen years but not over twenty five years of age and have established and maintained a regular pattern of trading on an advertised schedule to load and unload at specific ports or equivalent.船证由船代在装港制作,明确产品系由英国劳合社或其它相应机构确认的100A1级、机械驱动、适航的船舶运输,船龄应15年以下,或能按预先发布的船期表在特定口岸继续按期投入装卸货品的贸易运营的,船龄也可在15年以上25年以下。证明内容以证内文字及船舶的实际状况加以叙说即可。

2. A certificate from the shipping company or their agent stating that the goods are shipped on vessels:

-that are exempted from the \"solas\" convention certificatin requirement and is not required to have a certificate of conformity to the ISM code or that have a current ISM code certificate if the carrying vessel is subject to \"solas\"

-covered by the institution classification clause.

-that are allowed by the Arab authorities to call at arabian ports and not scheduled to call at any israel port during its voyage to the U.A.E.

-under 15 years of age.


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