Person in the Colony Room Club
Blond Billy (as Richard Newbold)
Richard Newbould
Person at the Paris Opening
Jibby Beane
Person at the Paris Opening
Gentuca Bini
Person at the Paris Opening
James Birch
Person at the Paris Opening
Liz Clarke
Person at the Paris Opening
Jemima Cotter
Person at the Paris Opening (as Fiona Dealey)
Fiona Daly
Person at the Paris Opening
John Dunbar
Person at the Paris Opening
Victoria Fernandez
Person at the Paris Opening
Natalie Gibson
Person at the Paris Opening
Caroline Hardy
Person at the Paris Opening
Charlie Hayward
Person in the Colony Room Club
Daniel Farson
Person in the Colony Room Club
Sandy Fawkes
Person in the Colony Room Club
David Harrison
Person in the Colony Room Club
Malcolm Key
Person in the Colony Room Club
Philippe Krootchey
Person in the Colony Room Club
Steven Linard
Person in the Colony Room Club
Alan MacDonald
Person in the Colony Room Club
Michael Wojas
Person in the Colony Room Club
Person in the Colony Room Club
Virginia Wetherell
Person in the Colony Room Club
Sue Tilley
Person in the Colony Room Club
Sam Jilkes
Person in the Colony Room Club
Nick Mortimore
Person in the Colony Room Club
Alan Percy