幼虫钻蛀水稻茎杆的 鳞翅目昆虫 .中国稻区的主要稻螟有5种: 三化螟(Tryporyzaincertulas)、 二化螟(ChilosupApresalis)、 台湾稻螟(Chiloaunirilius)、褐边螟(Catazeladjurela),以上4种为 螟蛾科(Pyralidae)。 大螟(Sesamiainferens)为 夜蛾科,现称稻蛀茎 夜蛾.其中以三化螟和二化螟分布最广,为害最重.三化螟体长9—12mm, 翅展21—25mm。雌蛾前翅鲜黄,中室端有1小黑点.雄蛾前翅灰黄褐,自顶角至后缘有褐色斜纹,中室端小黑点不明显,外缘有7个小黑点.幼虫细长,乳白色或黄绿色.分布于南方稻区,北至河南、山东.二化螟体长12—14mm,翅展20—28mm。前翅黄褐或灰褐色,外缘有7个小黑点,中室端部有紫黑斑点,中室下方有3个黑褐斑排列成斜线.雌蛾色泽比雄蛾稍淡.幼虫淡褐色,背面有5条紫褐色纵纹.二化螟分布全国,在南方以高地发生最多. 稻蛀茎夜蛾体长12—15mm,翅展24—30mm。淡褐色.前翅长方形,淡黄色,散布黑色细点,翅中央由翅基到外缘暗褐色.幼虫肥大,淡黄色,背面略带淡紧色.分布于湖北、四川、华东及台湾.稻螟的幼虫钻入稻茎食害,切断养、水分供应,形成枯心苗或白穗.Boring larvae of the Lepidoptera of rice stalks. China's major rice gro wing regions there are five kinds of rice stem borers: borer (Tryporyzaincertulas), stem borer (ChilosupApresalis), Taiwan's rice borer (Chiloaunirilius), brown edge borer (Catazeladjurela) , the above four kinds of Pyralidae (Pyralidae). Sesamia inferens (Sesamiainferens) for the family Noctuidae, now known as rice stem borers exigua. Of which the borer and the most widely distributed stem borer, the most damage. Borer body length of 9-12mm, fin show 21-25mm. Female moths tegmen bright-yellow, the room-side with a black dots. Male moths forewing gray cinnamon, from vertex to the posterior edge of a brown twill, black dots in the side room was not obvious, surrounded by seven black dots. Larvae slender, milky white or yellow-green. distributed in the southern rice region, north to Henan and Shandong. stem borer body length of 12-14mm, fin show 20-28mm. Elytra cinnamon or grayish brown, surrounded by seven black dots, in the room has Zihei end spots in the room ben eath three black-brown spots arranged in a slash. Female moths s lightly pale color than the male moths. Larvae Light brown, purple-brown back with five vertical patterns. Chilo suppressalis the distribution of the country, most occurring in the south to Highlands. litura rice stem borers body length 12-15mm, fin show 24-30mm. Light brown. Elytra oblong, yellow, black fine-point spread, wing from wing base to the outer edge of the central dark brown. Larvae hypertrophy, light yellow color on the back of slightly light tight. Distributed in Hubei, Sichuan, East Chinese mainland and Taiwan province. Rice stem borers in larvae bore into stems and eat rice damage, cut off support, water supply, the formation of dead heart or white ear seedlings.