

职业 教授
主要成就 四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院院长
出生地 湖北
外文名称 HuangCanhua
民族 汉族


黄灿华教授2000年在中国科学院获博士学位,随后在新加坡国立大学生物系从事博士后研究。2003 年8月被新加坡国立大学肿瘤研究所聘为Research Scientist。2005年9月回国任四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室教授。教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”获得者(2007)。中国蛋白质组学专业委员会委员;国际学术刊物PROTEOMICS编委委员(Editorial Board 2012--)。

作为课题负责人先后承担科技部863与973分题,卫生部新药创制重大专项和国家自然科学基金(面上项目)等课题。回国以来以通讯作者在Mol Cell Proteomics (5篇)、Autophagy (2篇)、J Cell Sci、J Biol Chem、J Proteome Res、Proteomics、J Proteomics、Mol Cancer、Int J Cancer、Biochem Pharmacol等学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,其中半数论文影响因子大于5.0,近5年论文被引用300余次。受邀请在MassSpectrom Rev、Expert RevProteomics (3篇)、Comb Chem High Throughput Screen等学术刊物上发表多篇关于系统生物学前沿综述;并被聘为客座主编出版一期CombChem High Throughput Screen(2011)。受邀请在第九届中国国际新药创制前沿技术与产业化发展高峰论坛(2011/09青岛)”;”2011南京肿瘤生物学诊断与治疗进展国际研讨会(2011/10 南京)”;“炎症和肿瘤相关的蛋白质研究和蛋白质组学国际研讨会(2011/12 广州)”;“第六届亚太人类蛋白质组组织(AOHUPO)大会(2011/05 北京)”做大会特邀(主题)报告。

目前担任四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院院长,国家重大科学研究计划(973计划)“病毒诱导肿瘤发生的氧化还原蛋白质组研究”项目首席科学家(2013-2017)。国际学术刊物ProteomicsSignal Transduction and Targeted Therapy编委委员[1]。四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室教授,四川大学华西国重创新班导师。


(1) 系统生物学筛选药物靶标。

(2) 病毒诱发癌变的分子机理


(Huang C* 为通讯作者)

1. Wang K, Yang T, Wu Q, Zhao X, Nice EC, Huang C* (2012)Chemistry-based functional proteomics for drug target deconvolution.Expert Rev ProteomicsJun 2012 (IF:4.4)

2. Zhou S, Yi T, Liu R, Bian C, Qi X, He X, Wang K, Li J, Zhao X*, HuangC*, Wei Y (2012) Proteomics identification of annexin A2 as a key mediator inthe metastasis and proangiogenesis of endometrial cells in human adenomyosis.Mol Cell Proteomics doi: 10.1074/mcp.M112.017988(IF:8.79)

3. Yuan K, Huang C*, Fox J, Weaver A, Li GP, Singh BB, Gao H, Wu M*. (2012)Autophagy plays an essential role in the clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa byalveolar macrophages. J Cell Sci 125:507-515 (IF: 6.3)

4. Xie N, Zhao Y, Zhang T, Huang K, Lei Y, Dong Q, Nice E, Huang C*, Wei Y.(2012) Comprehensive proteomic analysis of host cell lipid rafts modified byHBV infection. J Proteomics 75(3):725-39 (IF:5.07)

5. Lei Y, Huang K, Gao C, Lau QC, Pan H, Xie K, Li J, Liu R, Zhang T, XieN, Shan Nai H, Wu H, Zhao X, Dong Q, Nice E, Huang C*, Wei Y. (2011) Proteomicsidentification of ITGB3 as a key regulator in ROS-induced migration andinvasion of colorectal cancer cells.Mol Cell Proteomics 10(10):M110.005397(IF:8.79)

6. Yuan K, Huang C*, Fox J, Gaid M, Weaver A, Li GP, Singh BB, Gao H, WuM*. (2011) Elevated inflammatory response in Caveolin-1 deficient mice with P.aeruginosa infection is mediated by STAT3 and NF-{kappa}B. J Biol Chem.286(24):21814-25. (IF: 5.38)

7. Wang K, Liu R, Li J, Mao J, Xie N, Wu J, Lei Y, Zhang T, Zeng J, Wu H,Chen L, Huang C.* Wei Y (2011) Quercetin induces protective autophagy ingastric cancer cells: Involvement of Akt-mTOR- and hypoxia-induced factor1α-mediated signaling. Autophagy 7(9):966-78 (IF:6.83)

8. Zhou S, Li Y, Huang F, Zhang B,Yi T, Li Z, Luo H, He X, Zhong Q, BianC, Lin X, Qi X, Liu P, Huang C, Zhao X, Wei Y (2012)Live-Attenuated MeaslesVirus Vaccine Confers Cell Contact Loss and Apoptosis of Ovarian Cancer Cellsvia ROS-Induced Silencing of E-cadherin by Methylation. CancerLetters318(1):14-25 (IF:4.8)

9. Hu H,Deng C, DongQ, Yang T, Chen Y, Huang C.* , Wei Y (2011) Proteomics revisits the cancermetabolome Expert Rev Proteomics 8(4):505-33 (Invited Review) (IF:4.4)

10. Li J, Liu R, Lei Y, Wang K, Lau Q.C, Xie N, Zhou S, Nie C, Chen L, WeiY, and Huang C.* (2010) Proteomic analysis revealed association of aberrant ROSsignaling with suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid-induced autophagy in JurkatT-leukemia cells. Autophagy 17;6(6):711-24 (IF:6.83)

11. Liu R., Wang K, Yuan K, Wei Y., and Huang C.* (2010) Integrativeoncoproteomics strategies for anti-cancer drug discovery. Expert Rev Proteomics7(3):411-429(Invited Review) (IF:4.4)

12. Yuan K, Lei Y, Huang C.* (2010)Applicationof chemistry-based functional proteomics to screening for novel drug targets.Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 13(5):414-21. (Invited Review) (IF:2.57)

13. Ren F, Wu H, Lei Y, Zhang H, Liu R, Zhao Y, Chen X, Zeng D, Tong A, ChenL, Wei Y, Huang C* (2010) Quantitative proteomics identification ofphosphoglycerate mutase 1 as a novel therapeutic target in hepatocellularcarcinoma. Mol Cancer 9:81. (IF: 5.36)

14. Liu R, Li Z, Bai S, Zhang H, Tang M, Lei Y,Chen L, Liang S, Zhao Y, Wei Y, Huang C* (2009). Mechanism of cancer celladaptation to metabolic stress: proteomics identification of a novel thyroidhormone mediated gastric carcinogenic signaling pathway. Mol Cell Proteomics2009; 8(1):70-85 (IF:9.425)

15. Li Z, Zhao X*, Bai S, Wang Z, Chen L, Wei Y, Huang C* (2008). Proteomicidentification of cyclophilin A as a potential prognostic factor andtherapeutic target in endometrial carcinoma. Mol Cell Proteomics 2008;7(10):1810-1823 (IF:9.425)

16. Wang Z, Jiang L, Huang C*, Li Z, Tong A., Chen L, Shen J, Gao F, Chen Q*(2008). Comparative proteomic approach to screening of potential diagnostic andtherapeutic targets for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Mol Cell Proteomics 2008;7:1639–1650 (IF:9.425)

17. Tong A, Gou L, Lau Q, Li J, Zhao X, Chen L, Tang H, Huang C*, and Wei Y*(2009). Proteomic Profiling Identifies Aberrant Epigenetic ModificationsInduced by Hepatitis B Virus X Protein. J Proteome Res 2009 ;8(2):1037-46(IF:5.67)

18. Tong A, Wu L, Lin Q, Lau Q, Li J, Chen L, Tang H, Huang C*, and Wei Y*(2008). Proteomic analysis of cellular protein alterations using aHBV-producing cellular model. Proteomics 8:2012-2023. (IF:5.57)

19. Li Z., Huang C.*, Bai S., Pan X., Zhou R., Wei Y., and Zhao X* (2008)Prognostic evaluation of epidermal fatty acid-binding protein and calcyphosine,two proteins implicated in endometrial cancer using a proteomic approach. Int.J. Cancer 123:2377-2383.(IF:4.55)

20. Shen J#, Huang C#, Jiang L, Gao F, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Bai J, Chen Q(2007). Enhancement of Cisplatin Induced Apoptosis by SuberoylanilideHydroxamic Acid in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell lines. BiochemPharmacol 73(12):1901-1909. (IF: 4.8)[2]

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