1984.09-1987.01 北京大学心理学系,认知心理学,理学硕士学位
1990.09-1993.06 中国科学院心理研究所,助理研究员
1993.07-1997.12 中国科学院心理研究所,副研究员
1994.09-1996.08 美国密西根大学认知科学与机器智能实验室,访问学者
1997.12- 中国科学院心理研究所,研究员
1998.04- 中国科学院心理研究所,博士生导师
1998.09-2006.10 中国科学院心理研究所认知心理学研究室,室主任
2001.02-2001.05 微软中国研究院,访问研究员
2004.11-2006.08 中国科学院心理研究所,所长助理
2005.03- 脑与认知科学国家重点实验室,副主任
2006.08-2010.07 中国科学院心理研究所,副所长
2010.07- 中国科学院心理研究所,所长
2017.03- 中国科学院大学心理学系,主任[3]
1997.11 – 2001.10 中国心理学会国际学术交流工作委员会,副主任
2000.05 – 中国人类工效学会认知工效学专业委员会,理事
2001.11 – 2005.11 中国心理学会第八届理事会,理事
2001.11 – 2009.11 中国心理学会国际学术交流工作委员会,主任
2001.11 – 中国心理学会普通心理与实验心理专业委员会,委员
2003.12 – 中国人类工效学标准化技术委员会(SAC.TC7),副主任委员
2004.04 – 2008.11 中国人类工效学学会第四届理事会,理事
2005.11 – 2009.11 中国心理学会第九届理事会,常务理事,副秘书长
2008.10 – 2012.10 中国照明学会第五届理事会图像技术专业委员会,副主任委员
2008.11 – 2012.11 中国人类工效学学会第五届理事会,常务理事
2009.11 – 中国心理学会第十届、第十一届理事会,常务理事,秘书长
2011.03 – 人因工程国防科技重点实验室学术委员会,委员
2012.07 – 电子科技大学“神经信息教育部重点实验室”学术委员会,委员
2012.11 – 2017.10中国科学院计算所智能信息处理重点实验室学术委员会,委员
2012.11 – 2016.11 中国人类工效学学会第六届理事会,理事
2013.11 – 儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室(东南大学)学术委员会,委员
2015.04 – 国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组(心理学组),成员
2015.11 – 上海交通大学智能计算与认知工程上海高校重点实验室学术委员会,委员
2016.10 – 中国心理学会,候任理事长[3]
⒈Publications in 2003
⑴ Chen,G.,& Fu,X. (in press). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic sues on judgment of learning. Acta Psychologica Sinica
⑵ Fu,X.,& Liu,C. (2003). Approaches and methods in cognitive psychology to explore the mind. Natural Dialectic, 25⑴,112-118
⑶ Fu,X.,& Tan,J. (2003). The effect of share price and gender on stock-selecting. Studies of Psychology and Behavior,1⑴,29-33.
⑷ Fu,X.,& Tan,J. (in press). The effects of whare price and media on small group’s stock-selecting. Ergonomics
⑸ Sun,Y.,& Fu,X. (2003). Research on core knowledge systems and indications to relative fields. Advance of Psychological Science,11⑴,12-21
⑹ Wang,M.,& Fu,X. (in press). A Review on the Research of Implicit Personality Theories. Advance of Psychological Science
⑺ Xuan,Y.,& Fu,X. (2003). Dimensional transfer effect in same-different judgments. Acta Psychologica Sinica,35⑴, 37-43
⒉Publications in 2002
⑴ Fu,X. (2002). Human data understanding. Acta Psychologica Sinica,34 (Supplement),15-16.
⑵ Fu,X. (2002). Issues of the youth’s mental traits. Encyclopedic Knowledge,3 (No. 272),48-49.
⑶ Sun,Y.,& Fu,X. (2002). Category specificity. Acta Psychologica Sinica,34 (Supplement),114.
⑷ Xuan,Y.,& Fu,X. (2002). Theory of direct perception and its development. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Virtual Reality and Geography. Beijing,October 25-26,2002,Ⅱ: 12-19
⑸ Yang,L.,& Fu,X. (2002). The inhibitory mechanism in processing visual-auditory cross-model Chinese words. Acta Psychologica Sinica,34⑴,10-15.
⑹ Zhang,L.,& Fu,X. (2002). Comparison between graph and table. In: G. Dai ed. The Proceedings of APCHI’2002: User Interaction Technology in the 21st Century. Beijing,November 1-4,2002. Beijing: Science Press,2002,150-159.
⑺ Zhao,X.,& Fu,X. (2002). Improvement of Bayesian reasoning: Representing information with frequency format rather than probability format. Psychological Science,25⑴,96-97.
⑻ Zhou,G.,& Fu,X. (2002). Distributed Cognition: A New Cognition Perspective. Advance of Psychological Science, 10⑵,147-153.
⑼ Zhou,G.,& Fu,X. (2002). The emotion similarity of schematic faces. Acta Psychologica Sinica,34 (Supplement),142.
⑽ Zhou,G.,Fu,X.,& Ju,S. (2002). The diagnosticity principle of similarity comparison and culture influence. Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition),42⑷,10-17.
⒊Publications in 2001
⑴ Fu,X. (2001). To explore the mystery of problem-solving: Representation and strategies. Advance of Chinese Psychology. Chinese Psychological Society. Beijing: People Education Press,37-42.
⑵ Fu,X.,Zhou,G.,& Tham,M. (2001). The usability of on-line shop in China. In M. J. Smith,G. Salvendy,D. Harris, and R. J. Koubek (Eds.). Usability Evaluation and Interface Design: Cognitive Engineering,Intelligent Agents and Virtual Reality. Mahwah,New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum,1222-1226.
⑶ Liu Y.,Fu,X.,& Wu,C. (2001). Presentation of visual and audio information for a human-computer interface. The SID Digest of Technical Papers,Society for Information Display,San Jose,June 3-8,2001.
⑷ Jing,Q.,& Fu,X. (2001). Modern Chinese psychology: Its indigenous roots and international influences.
International Journal of Psychology,36⑹,408-418.
⑸ Jing,Q.,& Fu,X. (2001). To commemorate Professor Simon. Acta Psychologica Sinica,33⑶,288.
⑹ Xuan,Y.,& Fu,X. (2001). The development and disputes of examplar theories,Journal of evelopments in Psychology, 9⑷,295-301.
⑺ Yang,L.,& Fu,X. (2001). The progress of the research on cognitive processes of multimode information.Psychological Science,24⑷,465-467.
⑻ Zhou,G.,& Fu,X. (2001). The development of the Expected Utility Theory in decision-making. Psychological Science,24⑵,219-220.
2009年,中国科学院研究生院BHP Billton“导师科研奖”;中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖;第三届中国科学院十大杰出妇女提名奖