

中文名 秋良
出生地 湖北省黄冈市浠水县
国籍 中国



1991毕业于中国科学院等离子物理研究所, 低温工程专业的硕士学位。




1996-1997年在韩国科技部(STEPI)的资助下, 于韩国电气研究所工作。


2000-2002年在英国牛津仪器公司,高级工程师,从事极高磁场的NMR(900MHz)和MRI 超导磁体系统。



1、杨惠; 高霏; 李兰凯; 崔春艳; 胡新宁; 王晖;王秋良,超导空心球形转子变形分析, 低温与超导, 01期, pp 51-55, 2015/1/24.

2、崔春艳; 胡新宁; 程军胜; 王晖;王秋良,超导磁悬浮支承系统干扰力矩及漂移误差分析, Acta Physica Sinica, 01期, pp 387-397, 2015/1/8.

3、王海飞; 杨新荣; 赵尚武;王秋良,电流环支承的超导球表面磁场计算, 低温物理学报, 01期, pp 70-72, 2015/1.

4、X. Hu, Q. Wang, F. Gao, C. Cui, H. Wang,Torque Compensation System Design for a Spherical Superconducting Rotor, IEEE Trans. Instr. & Measur, 63(12), pp 2789-2794, 2014/12/1.

5、高霏; 王晖;王秋良; 胡新宁; 崔春艳; 刘建华,特殊结构超导球形转子气浮平衡装置的气膜分析(英文), 低温物理学报, 04期, pp 257-262, 2014/11.

6、胡新宁;王秋良; 王晖; 崔春艳; 戴银明; 刘建华,重力梯度测量辅助定位的超导磁悬浮定位装置及定位方法, 2014/11/5, 北京, ( 00.01 中华人共和国国家知识产权局, CN201410318949.6.

7、Xinning Hu, Fei Gao, Chunyan Cui, Jianhua Liu,Analysis of Mass Unbalance Torque on a Spinning Superconducting Rotor, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 24(3), p 3600204, 2014/6/1.

8、H Yin, Y Z Bai, M Hu, L Liu, L Luo, D Y Tan,; Z B Zhou,Measurements of temporal and spatial variation of surface potential using a torsion pendulum and a scanning conducting probe, Physical Review D, 90(1), p 122001, 2014/6/1.

9、Xinning Hu, Qiuliang Wang, Fei Gao, Hui Wang,; Luguang Yan.,Effect of drag force of helium gas on a spinning superconducting rotor, IEEE Trans. Instr. & Measur., Vol63(no.4), pp 859-863, 2014/4/1.

10、许厚泽,许厚泽院士文集, 科学出版社, 2014/3/1.

11、胡新宁;王秋良; 王晖; 崔春艳; 戴银明; 刘建华; 程军胜,一种超导球转子旋转驱动装置, 2014/4/30, 北京, CN201410006872.9.

12、M Hu, Y Z Bai*, Z B Zhou*, Z X Li; J Luo.,Resonant frequency detection and adjustment method for a capacitive transducer with differential transformer bridge, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(1), p 055001, 2014/1/1.

13、Xi Li; Qiuyan Li; Zhongming Ren; Yves Fautrelle; Xionggang Lu; Annie Gagnoud; Yudong Zhang; Claude Esling; Hui Wang; Yinming Dai; Qiuliang Wang,Investigation on the formation mechanism of irregular dendrite during directional solidification of Al–Cu alloys under a high magnetic field, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 581卷, pp 769-775, 2013/12/25.

14、冯忠奎; 胡格丽; 许莹; 朱光; 周峰; 戴银明;王秋良,开放式自屏蔽全身成像高场超导MRI磁体优化设计, Acta Physica Sinica, 23期, pp 95-101, 2013/12/8.

15、冯忠奎; 胡格丽; 许莹; 朱光; 周峰; 戴银明;王秋良,开放式自屏蔽全身成像高场超导MRI磁体优化设计, Acta Physica Sinica, 23期, pp 95-101, 2013/12/8.

16、王秋良,胡新宁,戴银明,严陆光,许建益,汪建华,高场静磁装备设计理论和关键技术及应用, 中华人民共和国国务院, 国家技术发明奖, 二等奖, 2013/12.

17、Jianhua Liu; Junsheng Cheng; Feng Zhou; Qiuliang Wang; Kun Chang; Xian Li,Electrical properties of cold-pressing welded NbTi persistent joints, Cryogenics, 58卷, pp 62-67, 2013/12.

18、Ni, Zhipeng; Wang, Qiuliang; Liu, Feng; Yan, Luguang,A homogeneous superconducting magnet design using a hybrid optimization algorithm, Measurement Science and Technology, 24(12), 2013/12.

19、Liu, Jianhua; Cheng, Junsheng; Wang, Qiuliang,Evaluation of NbTi Superconducting Joints for 400 MHz NMR Magnet, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(6), 2013/12.

20、Zhou, Feng; Cheng, Junsheng; Liu, Jianhua; Dai, Yinming; *Wang, Qiuliang; Xiao, Namin; Yan, Luguang,Numerical Simulation of NbTi Superconducting Joint With Cold-Pressing Welding Technology, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(6), 2013/12.





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