2001.6-2004.12:美国得州农工大学 (Texas A&M University) 学习,获材料科学与工程专业博士学位。
2006.10-2010.10:美国亨斯曼公司先进材料部 (Huntsman Advanced Materials) 高级科学家。
2011.1 至今:西南石油大学新能源研究中心教授。
2008-2010 亨斯曼公司资助课题:新一代聚马来酰亚胺树脂的合成开发与工艺研究。
2007-2009 亨斯曼公司资助课题:新型苯并噁嗪树脂的合成开发与工艺研究。
2006-2007 亨斯曼公司资助课题:高交联度热固性树脂的增韧研究。
2004-2005 美国国家科学基金资助课题:第四代耐高温树脂的开发研究。
2004-2005 美国空军科研办公室资助课题:新型含氟聚酰亚胺及其碳纤维复合材料的结构加工与性能关系的研究。
2002-2004 KANEKA公司资助课题:纳米氧化锌及其复合材料的制备与应用研究。
Y. Li*, R. Tietze, M. Chaudhari, “Innovations in Polybenzoxazines and Their Commercial Status”, ACS Preprint, The First International Symposium on Polybenzoxazine, 2010.
Y. Li, H.-J. Sue, N. Miyatake, and R. Nishimura, “Process for Preparing Nano-sized Metal Oxide Particles”, US Patent 7482382B2, 2009.
Y. Li*, L. A. Murphy, J. E. Linclon, and R. J. Morgan, “Phenylethynyl End-Capped Fluorinated Imide Oligomer AFR-PEPA-N: Morphology and Processsibility Characteristics”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 292(1), 78-84 (2007).
D. Sun, M. Wong, L. Sun, Y. Li, N. Miyatake and H.-J. Sue, “Purification and Stabilization of Colloidal ZnO Nanoparticles in Methanol”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 43, 237-243 (2007).
Y. Li, and R. J. Morgan,* “Thermal Cure of Phenylethynyl-Terminated AFR-PEPA-4 Imide Oligomer and a Model Compound”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 101(6), 4446-4453 (2006).
R. Yang, S. Tripathy, Y. Li, H.-J. Sue, N. Miyatake, and R. Nishimura, “Photoluminescence and Micro-Raman Scattering in ZnO Nanoparticles: The Influence of Acetate Adsorption”, Chemical Physics Letters, 411, 150-154 (2005).
Y. Li, J. Li, S. Guo, and H. Li, “Mechanochemical Degradation Kinetics of High-density Polyethylene Melt and Its Mechanism in the Presence of Ultrasonic Irradiation”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 12, 183-189 (2005).