
中文名 梁淑芳
职称 教授
毕业院校 四川大学


2005.9-2010.6,任四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室副教授,硕士生导师;2010.7-至今,任四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室教授,博士生导师。现主要从事疾病蛋白质组学、药物蛋白质组学与基因功能研究、以及肿瘤的发病机理与生物技术药物研发等研究。近年已主持国家自然基金3项、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、四川省青年基金及应用基础研究,成都市应用基础与成果转化项目等多项,主研国家973项目等。以第一作者和通讯作者已在Mol. Cell. Proteomics,Proteomics, Journal of Translational Medicine, Proteomics-Clin. Appl., Electrophoresis, Cancer Lett.等杂志发表20多篇SCI论文,申请专利2项。


现为中国生物化学与分子生物学学会、中国微生物学会、四川省科技青年联合会会员;是国家自然基金项目通讯评审专家、四川省科技厅项目评审专家及成都市科技评估专家。担任Proteomics, Human Gene Therapy, Proteome Science, Disease Markers等多种国际SCI刊物通讯审稿人。




1. Zhizhong Xu, Guobo Shen, Xiangying Xia, Xinyu Zhao, Peng Zhang, Huanhuan Wu, Qingfa Guo, Zhiyong Qian, Yuquan Wei,Shufang Liang*. Comparisons of three polyethyleneimine-derived nanoparticles as a gene therapy delivery system for renal cell carcinoma.J. Translational Medicine, 2011, 9:46 (*通讯作者)

2.Shufang Liang*, Zhizhong Xu, Xuejiao Xu, Xia Zhao,Canhua Huang, Yuquan Wei. Quantitative proteomics for cancer biomarker discovery.Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening,2011,in press (*通讯作者)

3.Shufang Liang, Afu Fu, Qiang Zhang, et al. Honokiol inhibits cell migration via IQGAP1 downregulation discovered by a quantitative pharmaceutical proteomic analysis.Proteomics, 2010,10:1474-1483

4. Guobo Shen,Shufang Liang*,Zhizhong Xu, et al. Downregulated expression of HSP27 in human glioma tissues discovered by a quantitative proteomic analysis.Proteome Science,2010, 8:17 (*通讯作者)

5.Shufang Liang*, Yuhuan Xu, Guobo Shen, et al. Quantitative protein expression profiling of 14-3-3 isoforms in human renal carcinoma shows 14-3-3 epsilon is involved in limitedly increasing renal cell proliferation.Electrophoresis, 2009, 30(22):4152-4162(*通讯作者)

6.Shufang Liang, Yanbao Yu, Pengyuan Yang, et al. Analysis of the protein complex associated with 14-3-3 epsilon by a deuterated-leucine labeling quantitative proteomics strategy.J. Chromatography B, 2009, 877 (7): 627-634

7.Shufang Liang*, Fengming Gong, Xinyu Zhao, et al. Prokaryotic expression, purification of a new tumor-relative protein FAM92A1-289 and its characterization in renal cell carcinoma.Cancer Lett., 2009, 276: 81-87 (*通讯作者)

8.Shufang Liang*, Guobo Shen, Qingping Liu, et al.Isoform-specific expression and characterization of 14-3-3 proteins in human glioma tissues discovered by stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture-based proteomic analysis.Proteomics-Clin. Appl., 2009, 3: 743-753(*通讯作者)

9. Shufang Liang*, Yuhuan Xu, Guobo Shen, et al. Gene expression and methylation status of 14-3-3σ in human renal carcinoma tissues.IUBMB Life, 2008,60(8):534-540(*通讯作者)

10. Ling B+,Liang S.F.+*,Xu Y.H, et al. Differential proteomic profiles of HeLa cells treated with honokiol using a quantitative proteomic strategy.Amino Acids, 2008,35(1):115-122 (+共同第一作者,*共同通讯作者)[1]

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