

品牌 外语教学与研究出版社
作者 吴祯福夏玉和
页数 525页
出版日期 2002年6月1日
定价 31.90


ISBN:9787560008196 [十位:7560008194]

作/译者:吴祯福 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社


页数:525 约重:0.465Kg


本书从指导思想的酝酿,资料的收集到练习的编写长达六年之久。 中国学生常常感到掌握英语口语困难。数量有限的口语问答以及对短文、对话的记忆背诵难以提高学生在日常生活中用英语进行口头实际的能力。学生对口语有惧怕感,突破不了口语关。为了寻找一种学生乐于用英语口头实际的办法,我们进行了试验与探索,研究了国内外的口语教材以及中国学生学习英语口语的特定环境。我们从中外60多种书刊中选取素材,完成了这套《英语口语教程》。它具有以下特点: 1)课文主题与年轻人生活、思想紧密相关,题材广泛,多是年轻人感兴趣且乐于交谈的题目。学习此书有助于年轻人产生用英语进行口头实际的强烈欲望。 2)训练由易到难,循序渐进;练习精心设计,形式生动活泼,《英语初级口语》和《英语中级口语》每课都配有图画及练习,练习方法多是我们在教学中多年来反复使用、卓有成效的。 3)培养学生全面的口语能力,包括叙述、对话、交谈、讨论、辩论等多种能力。 4)教材适用性强,既适合在校的不同年轻的学生,也适用于水平不一的英语自学者。 5)每套教材都配有英语录音,录音者皆是英语国家的学者和专家,配音清晰、流畅、优美、语音、语调标准纯正




Oral Functions Bank

Lesson 1 Too Clever

Lesson 2 Au Pair Girl

Lesson 3 Who Took the Money?

Lesson 4 Musical Half-Notes

Lesson 5 Is He a Hero?

Lesson 6 How It Feels When Parents Divorce

Lesson 7 Going Shopping

Lesson 8 What to Do about Grandma

Lesson 9 Why Is the World So Tough to Her?

Lesson 10 How to Describe Yourself

Lesson 11 Is He a Good Neighbour?

Lesson 12 Seeing the World

Lesson 13 What's Wrong with Them?

Lesson 14 What Sports Do They Enjoy?

Lesson 15 Remembering My Grandparents

Lesson 16 How to Improve Your Study Hadits

Lesson 17 Juvenile Delinquency

Lesson 18 How to Deep Fit

Lesson 19 Why Go to School?

Lesson 20 What Does Friendship Mean to You?

Lesson 21 Why Are They So Unlucky?

Lesson 22 Tell Us About Your Hobbies

Lesson 23 All For a Son

Lesson 24 Want to Kill Yourself?

Lesson 25 Don’t They Feel Ashamed of Themselves?

Lesson 26 There Are Two Sides to Everything

Lesson 27 Is It an Ideal Career?

Lesson 28 The Perfect Match

Lesson 29 The Voices of Time

Lesson 30 Who Did It?

Lesson 31 Thoughts on the Spring Festival

Lesson 32 Do You Know Your Own Character?

Lesson 33 Thieves Beware:People See You

Lesson 34 Isn't It Good to Speak a Foreign Language?

Lesson 35 Never Give up the Hope of Living






because it would be so awkward for me. I think they're both much happier now, and it's obvious to me that they both lead totally different lives. Since the breakup I've been able to see my parents' true colors,12 especially my mother's. I've seen a side of her that I never saw before. When she was married, she and Daddy were the perfect couple, always quiet, talking about dignified things13, and they would never laugh or anything. Nowadays my mother is always happy and gay. Another way she's changed is that she always used to hide her problems from me but now she's more apt to discuss things. I think she's more relaxed——and so's my Dad.
Both of my parents started dating other people right away, and I think they'll both get remarried eventually, which is fine with me. They don't discuss their love lives with me all ,that much, but of course I'm not blind. For example, one night I had a sleep-over14 at a friend's house and the next morning I came home earlier than I'd planned to. Well, I just stormedis into my mother's bedroom, and there was this guy in her bed——she was somewhere else, in another room. I started crying and everything, and my mother tried to convince me she had slept on the couch.

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