清代嘉庆制砂壶名工.制壶名艺人杨彭年妹.其作品构思巧妙,浮雕精美,可与哥哥媲美.是历来公认最有名望的制砂壶女艺人.现藏宜兴县文物陈列室的“竹段壶”就是她的作品,壶呈紫色,沉着稳重,壶体作毛竹段形,嘴、攀均为竹枝、竹叶装饰,比例匀称,疏密合度,为壶中佳品. System of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing sand pots were working. Zhihu name of artist Pang-Mei Yang. Ingenious idea of his work, exquisite relief, comparable with his brother. Is ever recognized as the most prestigious sand pot female artist. Yixing County Heritage Gallery is now Tibet The "Bamboo Pot segment" is her work, pot was purple, calm and stable, pot-shaped body for bamboo section, mouth, or scaling are bamboo, bamboo decoration, well-proportioned, density adaptation, for the pot of high quality goods.